Episode 5: Unique Strengths- Downtime/Elimination

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa!" Chris welcomed, "If you're just tuning in now, the Merciless Moose and the Wild Wolverines won the immunity challenge, forcing the Chaotic Cougars to vote out one of their own. Let's tune in and see what these campers have been up to since the challenge."


With the challenge over, the teams went to rest in their respective rooms. Following in the steps of the campers before them, the Chaotic Cougars settled into the losers' cabin, now tasked with deciding who would be the next camper to leave the island. On the male's side of the losers' cabin, the four men of the team began a discussion, although it became clear that one man was speaking more than the others.

"Alright. But remember: for this plan to work, we all have to follow it," Zeyad stressed whilst rubbing his bandaged right hand, "No dilly-dallying."

"Of course!" Matthew agreed in a fake enthusiastic tone.

"Let's go over it one more time!" Zeyad ordered.

"Matthew and I vote for Rhythm, you and Aaron vote for Veronica, and we vote for Veronica on the re-vote," Tory repeated for the fifth time.

"Hey, I'm starting to have second thoughts," Matthew revealed, sitting up on his bunk, "Are you sure that getting rid of Veronica is the best plan?"

"Well, that's what Aaron wants, right?" Zeyad asked, turning to Aaron.

"I mean, she has hurt me, but I kinda deserved it," Aaron admitted, "She's the reason why we got remotely close to finishing the challenge."

"Yeah, I don't think we should get rid of her," Matthew admitted, "Rhythm's probably the better option."

"Nah. We've got to stick to the plan," Zeyad declared, brushing off the suggestion.

"Plans change," Tory noted, "Besides, Rhythm was the one chirping you during the challenge, and she's weaker than Veronica. If it's between them two, then Rhythm is the better one to take out."

"But guys-" Zeyad began before being cut off.

"Honestly man, you dodged a bullet when she chose to get rid of Betty instead of you," Aaron admitted, "Soooooo many people on the team wanted you out, but she defied them all. If this is the alliance that's going into the merge, we can't afford to have someone who won't listen to us."

Zeyad pondered his next statement for a few seconds. He was totally against Rhythm being voted out, but he also didn't want to seem stubborn; it was the very reason why people didn't like him on his last team. Swallowing his next words, he conjured up some new ones; these ones much more diplomatic.

"Y'know, we need to do what's best for the alliance and this team. And what's best is for us to get rid of the weaklink. You guys are right, Rhythm has to go," Zeyad agreed as he put his left hand out, "Here's to the guys' alliance?"

"The guys' alliance," the other guys agreed, placing their hands over Zeyad's.

"I can't afford to have Rhythm get voted out. She's the only one who I trust 100%! Sure, we had a rocky start, but ever since Katelyn pushed us away, her and I share a bond like no other. Her and I are loyal to each other, and we're not going to betray each other."- Zeyad

"Veronica hasn't been the nicest person here, but she was also an alliance member. It wouldn't be right to betray her this early in the game. At the end of the day, if her and I make the merge, that's one person who won't vote me out. I've got to stay loyal."- Matthew

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