Episode 7: They're Coco-Nuts!- Nighttime/Breakfast

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"Last time on Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa..." Chris began through a voiceover, "The elimination of Zeyad brought the Chaotic Cougars closer together, while Daniel & Amalia found a way to get much closer together..."

*Shows shots of Veronica, Rhythm, Aaron, Tory, & Matthew making an alliance, Daniel & Amalia swimming at night, and Daniel kissing Amalia on the cheek*

"Laila failed to find anything on Boney Island, but that didn't stop Devin from calling her out. Man...he is upset!"

*Shows shots of Laila finding an empty chest, and Devin calling her out before the challenge*

"When the challenge game, is was an all-out brawl to spray the taped campers, but Daniel & Alexander found themselves in a brawl of their own..."

*Shows shots of the campers spraying Amalia, Rhythm, & Katelyn, and of Daniel & Alexander fighting*

"The Wild Wolverines ended up losing, and Alejandro & Laila were caught in a bind between staying loyal to their friends or protecting themselves."

*Shows shots of Alejandro & Laila talking with Daniel & Amalia, and then Alexander separately*

"In the end, they ended up siding with Alexander, but Daniel shocked everyone by giving his very handsome invincibility statue to Amalia, thereby negating the three votes against her and sending Alejandro packing."

*Shows shots of Alejandro & Laila voting for Amalia, Daniel giving his invincibility statue to Amalia, and Alejandro walking down the Dock of Shame*

"Thirteen campers are left, who will be voted out this time? Find out here, on Total...Drama...Island:...Return to Wawanakwa!"


After the completion of the title sequence, the cameras panned in on the losers' cabin. However, in light of what occurred at the elimination ceremony, the two sides of the cabin were no longer defined by gender. To keep Alexander from attacking Daniel in his sleep, Amalia allowed Daniel to sleep with her on the girl's side of the cabin. However, with Laila upset at Daniel & Amalia for voting out her love interest, she decided to join Alexander on the other side of the cabin, in which she vented her feelings to her lone ally.

"Why?!" Laila cried as she laid face-down in her bunk, "It's not fair!"

"Don't have to tell me twice," Alexander remarked from the other side of the room, "Or eight times..."

"I can't believe he's gone! Right when we started getting close too!  Ugh...maybe it's what I deserve; I mean, I did betray Amalia. But how could she do this to me?!!!!" *sobbing*- Laila

"Man...Daniel got me good.... but it ain't gonna happen again! Not ever! Now, I've gotta start from scratch. First, I need to talk to Laila and get her to realize that Daniel & Amalia are the enemy. It'll be difficult; I'm not really good with being sympathetic or empathetic. But with a little grooming and coaxing, I can turn her into my secret weapon."- Alexander

"Why did he have to go?!" Laila asked, continuing to cry.

"Look, there's nothing that we can do about it now..." Alexander rationalized as he began walking towards Laila, "I'm gonna quote a previous Total Drama camper."

"Let me guess: is it 'Move it or lose it, bubble brain!'?" Laila asked.

"Umm....no?" Alexander replied, embarrassed that Laila guessed correctly, "I was going to say, 'there will be no snoozing, and definitely no hugging'."

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