Episode 16: Swamped With Decisions- Nighttime/Breakfast

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"Last time on Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa..." Chris began through a voiceover, "Rhythm continued her push to split up Amaniel, shoring up her temporary alliance with Katelyn & Kiana to do so."

*Shows shots of Rhythm talking to Katelyn & Kiana about splitting up Amaniel*

"In the mini-mansion, Amalia & Daniel engaged in another cheerful song. But when Amalia asked Daniel to declare his love for her, he stormed off."

*Shows shots of Amaniel singing, Amaniel hugging, and Daniel leaving*

"On Boney Island, Devin made one last ditch effort to find any sort of advantage, but returned empty-handed, and with no energy left to spare."

*Shows shots of Devin scrambling around, being driven back to the island, and being thrown out of the boat by Chef Hatchet*

"During the immunity challenge, Katelyn shouldn't down her shots, Daniel failed to reel in a buoy, and Kiana shocked everyone by completing her challenge by the skin of her teeth, literally."

*Shows shots of Katelyn failing to drink shots, Daniel collapsing over the finish line, and Kiana hanging onto the rope by her teeth*

"But it was Amalia's success at shooting coconuts, hitting birdies, and pouring tea that won her her third immunity challenge of the season."

*Shows shots of Amalia throwing coconuts, hitting the birdie, and pouring tea in her container*

"With the challenge done, Rhythm lead the charge to take out Daniel, and managed to get Matthew, Katelyn, & Kiana on board, but Devin seemed hesitant to go through with it."

*Shows shots of Rhythm talking to Matthew & Kiana, Kiana talking to Katelyn & Devin, and Devin looking hesitant*

"As for Amaniel, they had their very first argument on the topic of Daniel overprotecting Amalia, ending in Daniel leaving the room to relax. This however, allowed Rhythm to convince Amalia to vote for Daniel while Devin went to Daniel to talk about a 'big move'."

*Shows shots of Daniel & Amalia arguing, Daniel leaving the room, Rhythm talking to Amalia, and Devin talking to Daniel*

"When the elimination ceremony came, Devin played his advantage and blocked Rhythm & Matthew's votes, while also pulling out an invincibility head, discouraging the campers from voting for him."

*Shows shots of Devin playing his advantage and revealing an invincibility head*

"But in a shocking twist, the head actually belonged to Daniel, who played it for himself after Devin gave it back, much to everyone else's dismay. When the votes were read, and with the three votes for Daniel being negated, Rhythm & Matthew were caught in a tie. And after an oral revote, Matthew was forced to head down the Dock of Shame."

*Showing shots of Devin giving Daniel his invincibility head, Chris revealing Rhythm & Matthew's votes, Daniel leading the oral vote, and Matthew heading down the Dock of Shame*

"Six campers are left; who will be voted out next? Find out right here, on Total...Drama...Island:...Return to Wawanakwa!"


With the completion of the title sequence, the cameras once again panned in on the losers' cabin, but this time, the focus was on the male's side, where Devin gathered Rhythm, Katelyn, and Kiana to talk to them about the last elimination ceremony. He knew that he upset them by making his big move, so he wanted to make sure that they were on the same page.

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