Episode 4: Music Madness- Downtime/Elimination

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa!" Chris welcomed, "Before the break, the Merciless Moose lost the immunity challenge by a small margin, forcing them to vote someone out tonight. Let's see how all the campers are adjusting to their new objectives and new teammates."


Much like the previous episodes, the cameras started panning on the losers' cabin, specifically the male's side, where Katelyn and Kiana joined Devin for a strategy talk. The three of them were in an alliance prior to the team swap, so it was logical for them to make a plan together, now that they were still on the same team.

"Look, this three here is good," Katelyn assured, pointing to each of them, "This is the perfect opportunity to solidify something definitive. If you guys want, I'm willing to take this alliance all the way to the final three."

"Now that we lost, I have to take full control. I need to ensure that Devin and Kiana know that I am willing to stay loyal to our alliance all the way 'till the end. And honestly, I wouldn't mind heading to the final three with them. I mean, they haven't really proven themselves as physical competitors, so I like my odds against them if we make it that far."- Katelyn

"I like this," Kiana agreed, "As long as we stay loyal to each other, we'll make it to the end."

"There's no one in this game that I trust more than Katelyn. However, with Chris' accusation, I can't help but think that there might be a darker side to Katelyn."- Kiana

"I'm happy with this," Devin agreed, "Whatever keeps me out of the line of fire."

"I'm the only one who got negative points during the challenge. I'm definitely on the chopping block. I don't know for sure if this is an alliance that I'll take to the final three, but this'll definitely keep me safe for now."- Devin

"Good. Now, we need to decide who we'll vote off," Katelyn declared, "Any thoughts?"

"I mean...it might take a while for Ellie to recover from her injury," Kiana rationalized.

"Yeah, and Callie did perform well today," Devin noted, "I guess Ellie has to go."

"Honestly, I was thinking of voting out Callie," Katelyn admitted, "She's suspicious."

"But she got us to the tiebreaker round!" Kiana pointed out, "Why would we get rid of a good player?"

"She obviously lied to us. She tried to act like she was a weak player so we wouldn't target her," Katelyn rationalized, "She's stronger than she lets on. This shows that we can't trust her. We can't keep people who lie."

"Well, I guess that makes sense," Devin agreed, "Kiana? What do you think?"

"In Callie's defense, she could've easily been scared," Kiana suggested, "I know I was."

"We can't afford to take chances," Katelyn insisted, "Even if she was scared, we can't keep people who are going to be scared. Kiana, you've really shown a lot of growth while you've been here. People like you, and we're not gonna vote you out. Callie has to go tonight."

"I agree," Devin interjected, "Kiana?"

"I don't feel like I have much of a voice here. I get that Katelyn just wants what's best for the alliance, but I sort of feel...left out."- Kiana

"Yeah...yeah, we'll do that," Kiana replied halfheartedly.

"Alright, it's official," Katelyn declared, "This alliance of the three is heading to the finals. And we'll kick it off by voting Callie out of this game."

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