Episode 2: Smashed In- Downtime/Elimination

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"Welcome back!" Chris welcomed as the camera panned on him, "Before the break, the Merciless Moose completely creamed the Wild Wolverines to win immunity and the right to sleep in the mini-mansion until the next immunity challenge. While the Moose get the chance to rest and take in their victory, the Wolverines have a tough decision on their hands. Let's see what they have in store for us."


The camera focused in on the dingy cabin, this time occupied by the members of the Wild Wolverines. Needless to say, they weren't happy. After spending the first days in the mini-mansion, the requirement to downgrade hit them harder than they ever thought it would. However, this was merely a thought in the backs of their minds, for they were now tasked with deciding who to vote off from their team. Like with the Moose before them, both genders debated separately, this time with more cohesion amongst the members.

"Well, before we get to talking about the vote, we need to address something," Veronica declared before turning to Cassie, "Cassie, the word going around is that you were cheering when we lost."

"Look, I want to explain myself," Cassie insisted, standing up from her bunk, "I really didn't want to feel the pressure to have to perform quickly. I crack under pressure! I was scared that if we lost when it got to me, the team would blame me and vote me off! I cheered because I didn't have to worry about screwing up for the team!"

"My only hope is that the girls will believe me. If they do, we can band together and vote off one of the guys. And I'm pretty sure I know who I want gone..."- Cassie

"I believe her," Ellie admitted, tapping her friend on the shoulder.

"I don't blame you, Cassie," Callie revealed, "It's not your fault."

"Alright, now that this has been cleared up, we need to figure out who we're voting out," Veronica declared, wanting to take charge, "I think that we should split our votes between Fedor and Tory."

"In my two alliances, I have Tory, Matthew, Daniel, Amalia, Callie, Cassie, and Ellie. Collectively, we have eight votes, so we can split the votes."- Veronica

"We only have five people," Ellie noted.

"Hey!" Amalia exclaimed, running into the girls' side of the cabin, "I've talked to them, and they're okay with it."

"Good," Veronica acknowledged before turning back to the group, "The plan is for Amalia, Callie, Matthew, Tory, Daniel, and I to vote for Fedor, due to him losing the challenge for us. Just in case Fedor found the invincibility head, Cassie and Ellie will vote for Tory, simply because of his injury."

"Are you sure that those guys will vote for Fedor?" Ellie asked, apprehensive.

"And what if Fedor uses the invincibility head, and then Fedor & Alexander vote for me?" Cassie asked, scared, "It'll be a tie!"

"According to the new rules this year, if there's a tie, it'll be a re-vote," Veronica explained, "The rest of us will vote for Tory, not you."

"It's the perfect plan. Ideally, Fedor goes home, I gain Cassie's trust, and when Tory finds out he was voted for, he'll be after Cassie and Ellie instead of me. Worst case scenario: Fedor becomes immune and the guys cause a tie against the girls, potentially sending it to a marshmallow tiebreaker, which is disastrous."- Veronica

"If you ask me, I'd rather stick with the 'majority six' alliance over the 'all girls' alliance. And no, it's not just because Daniel is in the 'majority six' alliance with me. Overall, the 'majority six' has a better chance at winning challenges than the 'all girls' alliance. Even with Tory's injury."- Amalia

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