Episode 15: The Hopeful & The Heartbroken- Downtime/Elimination

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa!" Chris exclaimed as the main camera zoomed in on his head and torso, "Before the break, Amalia fought her way through previous episodes' challenges to win invincibility for the next elimination ceremony. Let's take a look at what all the campers have planned for tonight..."


Much like the beginning of the episode, the cameras turned their attention to the female's side of the losers' cabin, where Rhythm continued ranting to Matthew & Kiana about their next plan. Of course, their plan to use their five votes to split up Amaniel was prevented when Amalia won immunity. However, with Daniel still eligible to receive votes, Rhythm saw this as a prime opportunity to take him out.

"I get that this is kind of getting repetitive and all, but we need to get Daniel out of this game," Rhythm declared.

"How many times are we going to start a meeting with that line?" Matthew asked jokingly.

"Hey, I said it was getting repetitive," Rhythm noted, "Anyways, he's gotta go."

"After Veronica was voted out, I swore to not stop until Daniel was voted out. The hardest part of this will be ensuring that Daniel doesn't play an invincibility statue if he has one. The last thing I need is for me to go home because he played one."- Rhythm

"What do we tell Daniel?" Kiana asked, "He needs to feel 100% safe."

"I think our best bet is telling him that Katelyn is the target," Rhythm answered, "Quite frankly, it sounds believable."

"Question: what do we tell Katelyn?" Matthew asked, "I mean, I don't think she'll be too thrilled about Daniel voting for her."

"Well, what other option do we have?" Rhythm replied, trying to make a point, "Would you rather split the votes 3-2 and have two people vote for Devin?"

"I mean...it might be the safer option," Kiana admitted, "Whatever we've got to do to keep us safe."

"Ideally, Daniel gets voted out tonight, Matthew goes out next, and then Katelyn, Devin & I join together to vote out Amalia & Rhythm. I don't want to have to throw either of my two closest allies under the bus, but if I had to choose, I feel like Katelyn is much better for my game going forward. Katelyn is much less popular and not as athletic as Devin in challenges. Yes, Devin is much nicer, but Katelyn is easier to beat in the end game."- Kiana

"Honestly, I wouldn't mind throwing a couple votes against Devin," Matthew admitted, "He didn't really perform well in the challenge."

"He was exhausted from Boney Island," Kiana reminded.

"Daniel went to Boney Island three times, and he always came back energized," Matthew noted, "Even when he was rattled after his first trip, he was never tired."

"I'm willing to do whatever I have to do to stay in this game another day. Quite frankly, I wouldn't mind it if Devin was voted out. He betrayed me, and he doesn't seem too helpful to the alliance. Yes, I may be sounding a bit mean right now, but I'd be foolish to just brush his actions off as nothing. I didn't come here to be a pushover; I came here to prove to people that being in a wheelchair won't stop me from accomplishing my dreams. If this is what I have to do to make it further in the game, then so be it."- Matthew

"Alright, what if we had Katelyn, Devin, and Kiana vote for Daniel, while Matthew and I vote for Devin?" Rhythm suggested, "Then Daniel & Amalia end up voting for Katelyn. If Daniel plays an invincibility head, us three can use our votes to send Devin out on the revote."

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