Episode 18: A Half-Hearted Farewell- Downtime/Elimination

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa!" Chris welcomed, "Before the break, Amalia secured herself a spot in the final two, while Devin secured himself a spot in the Submarine of Losers. Who will leave alongside him? And who will Amalia pick to be in the final two with her? Let's listen in on what the remaining campers have done since the challenge."


The cameras panned in on the dingy cabin, now containing two sulking campers. Devin was packing his belongings in preparation for his elimination, while Daniel laid silently on one of the bunks, keeping his thoughts to himself. Normally, being eliminated would make someone sad, but Devin took his defeat graciously. He knew that he tried his hardest, and he knew that not many people have made it to the top four on the show, and he was proud to be a part of that group.

"This sucks..." Daniel muttered, "We were so close to winning it all."

"Yeah...so close..." Devin agreed, continuing to place his clothes in his bag, "Nothing I can do about it, though."

"I can't believe that we were the last two to finish," Daniel admitted, still lying down.

"It's a shame," Devin agreed, "But what'd we expect? Amalia won a lot of challenges but Rhythm came out of nowhere today."

"Yeah..." Daniel muttered, "I really screwed up."

"We both screwed up," Devin reminded, "But we can't blame ourselves. We tried our best."

"I-I-I failed..." Daniel recalled, "I can't believe this..."

"Daniel is taking the loss harder than I thought. Although, I honestly think that he's more upset that he lost than he is of there being a chance for him to be eliminated. It's understandable: he spent the past few weeks bailing Amalia out of tough situations and to find out that he can't do it for himself this time must feel terrible."- Devin

"Do you know that feeling when you're so down that you don't know what to do? That's how I feel," Daniel explained, "Yes, it's a bit melodramatic, but I can't stop it."

"What's the problem?" Devin asked, "You tried your best."

"If I can barely place third now, how am I supposed to step up my game in time for the final challenge?" Daniel questioned as he threw his head into his hands, "I'm an embarrassment."

"That's not the way to feel man," Devin insisted as he took a seat next to Daniel, "You should be happy; at least you have a chance to make it to the final two."

"Yeah; all I need is a few more hours and I'll be out of here," Daniel remarked, "You were right; Amalia's gonna get rid of me."

"Don't be so hard on yourself," Devin insisted, "Hey, you probably won't be voted out. If you and Amalia have as strong of a relationship as you claim, she'll take you."


While Devin and Daniel had their conversation in the cabin, Rhythm and Amalia were showering in the communal bathrooms. Even though they were in different showers, that didn't stop them from having a conversation. With Amalia having the power to pick who goes with her, Rhythm needed to take any chance that she had to talk to her.

"Good job during the challenge!" Rhythm congratulated.

"Now that Amalia has immunity, I have to do whatever I can to convince her that I'm the better choice to take to the final two as opposed to Daniel. It'll be a tough thing to pull off, but I've got to try for it. I'm not just gonna roll over and give up at the first sign of trouble."- Rhythm

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