Episode 1: Back To Basics- First Challenge Pt.2

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"Welcome back!" Chris announced, "Before the break, members of the Wild Wolverines were about to risk their lives and jump off of a really high cliff into an area filled with sharks. All in hopes of finding a key to unlock the mini-mansion and win immunity for their team. It's amazing what these kids will do to win. Let's get back to the action!"


"One of us is gonna have to do it," Veronica rationalized, "There's no point in wasting time."

"Well, I'm kinda out of the picture, right?" Matthew asked, pointing at his wheelchair.

"I really don't want to do it..." Callie insisted as she ran and grabbed onto Amalia in fear.

"I guess I'll do it..." Tory conceded as he took his shirt off and tossed it over to Daniel.

"Sure, I guess I'll hold it..." Daniel agreed, doing his best to hide his disgust of the smell.

"Here goes nothing," Tory declared as he jumped off the cliff, "Look out below!!!!"

Instinctively, the five other members of the group ran and peered over the edge of the cliff to see if Tory survived the fall. To their surprise, within a few seconds, Tory sprang up from the water, perfectly intact.

"Not gonna lie, that was pretty fun! Hopefully everyone sees this and realizes that they need me here to help the team win."- Tory

"You've got to dive down!" Amalia shouted.

"Be careful!" Callie warned, not wanting him to be eaten by sharks.

"Got it!" Tory replied as he dove underwater, eager to find the key.

"I still can't believe he dove off the cliff..." Matthew remarked, "He's brave!"

"Guys!" a woman shouted from behind them, "We have to dive! Let's go!"

The quintet turned around to see Aaron, Devin, and Katelyn running towards them. Not wanting to get tackled, Amalia, Callie, Daniel, and Veronica sidestepped out of the way. The exception was Matthew: instead of fleeing, he chose to fight, which he did by ramming himself straight into Katelyn, causing her to fall backwards and onto the ground.

"Ow!" Katelyn screamed as she rubbed her aching torso.

"I'm blocking her!" Matthew called out as he turned to his team, "Go and help Tory!"

"I'm a team player. I'll give anything to help my teammates, even if it means putting myself at risk."- Matthew

"No you aren't!" Aaron declared as he grabbed Matthew's wheelchair and prepared to push him off the cliff.

"No!" Amalia exclaimed as she ran over to the two men, trying to pry Aaron away from Matthew.

"Get off!" Aaron ordered as he shoved Amalia to the ground, "Try taking on someone you're own-"

Aaron would've continued speaking, but he was cut off by Daniel wrapping Tory's muscle shirt around his head. Despite all his struggles, Aaron was unable to get free of Daniel's grasp. The group could only watch in shock as Daniel grabbed Aaron by the abdomen and launched them both off of the edge of the cliff and into the water below.

"That was... amazing. I can't believe Daniel went and did that for me..." *blushes* "Wait! Am I crushing on him? No... I can't! It's a distraction! Ughh..."- Amalia

"Matthew!" Amalia shouted as she ran over to pull him away from the edge.

"Thanks!" Matthew thanked as he sat upright in his chair.

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