Chapter 1: Confusing Beginnings

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Song Quote: Everything Stays
"Everything stays right where you left it. Everything stays but it's still changes ever so slightly daily and nightly in little ways where everything stays..."

Connor's Pov:
We had tracked a deviant down into a old abandoned facility of a old shut down company called Biolife.

"Shit this place is a fucking mess" Lieutenant Anderson complained as he was stepping over old scattered papers and pieces of trash.

"Well the place has been shut down since 2029 so it of course will be in a terrible shape from no maintenance" I reply to Hank as I look around the place for any signs of the Deviant that's lurking around here.

"Any clues where the deviant could be?" Asked Hank as he looked around only finding nothing.

"Nothing yet but I'll keep looking" I tell him and he nods going to go lean on a nearby wall but he ended up falling through the wall.
"Ah! What the fuck!" He yelps out in pain getting to his feet looking at the wall he torn down but he looks shocked "What the hell is all of this..." he mutters as he walks through the hole in the wall and I follow right behind.

Inside the room were pod like champers all lined up inside of a giant room.
"What the fuck are these?" Asked Hank as he looked at the pods confused.
"These look to be Cryostasis pods that were made back in late 2018 to preserve human life" I tell him after searching for the data.

"Oh I heard about these back then.
I called them bullshit" He mumbles to himself audibly.
"Do you think anyones still in any of these things?" Asked Hank out of curiosity as he knocks on the metal of a pod.

"I doubt it as the project was cancelled in 2028 due to issues causing the downfall of the company to eventually shut down later on" I tell him as he looks up and down the pods but he stops when he looks inside of the pods glass window.

"They said that a bunch of people disappeared, it could be possible someone could still be in here..." I state scanning the room thinking to myself.

"Let's look around just in case someone is" He instructs me as he checks each pod.
I go off to the opposite side looking for any sign of life thinking to myself
The deviant could have hidden in one of these...

I eventually find my way to one pod that was in a different room that had odd looking contraptions layed about this workshop area. The pod didn't look like the other cryogenic pods but still held someone inside "Lieutenant!" I call for Hank and he rushes over "Someones in there" I inform him and he points to the console "Well let em out" I nod and click some buttons on the control pad allowing the hatch door to open.

The hatch door to the pod opens revealing a girl she has (H/c) hair and she's wearing a blue and grey jumpsuit her eyes are shut as if she's been sleeping this entire time in a forced slumber other than that she looks....peaceful.

Before we could say anything her body fell forward out of the pod. She was out of it. I lunge forward catching her before she falls to the ground holding her in my arms.

I look down at her face and she appears to be in stable condition and I scan her face to check for a identity.

(Y/n)(L/n) Born: 1998

"Who is she?" Asked Hank as he looked at the unconscious girl but before I could answer him she started to stir in my arms.

Your Pov:
I feel myself being held in someones arms.My body feels stiff and I'm having a hard time opening my eyes but I manage to open them and in front of me I see a good looking man above me but what I find odd is he head a blue circle on his temple.

I open my mouth trying to say something but but my body feels so stiff and disoriented I managed to croak out slowly ""
Leaning in close the good looking male replies in a calm gentle voice "You are in the old Biolife facility where you have been in a cryostasis for a long time" immediately memories of how I got here rushed through my mind and my heart begins to quicken with worry.

"How much time has passed? Is my family okay?! What year is it?!"

As if sensing that I'm about to freak out, the man tells you "Your going to be alright we are here to help you" you look to the side to see a rough looking old man right next to the guy holding you.

"Can you walk?" Asked the rough old man and you look at him aloof giving him a slight nod.
"Connor c'mon let's help her up" said the old man.

"So his name is Connor huh?"

Connor begins to stand up putting his arm around your waist to support you as you begin to stand up feeling your feet start to wobble and try to give out refusing to listen to your brain as if this isn't your body.

You struggle to get your legs working as Connor continues to hold you up.
As Connor readjusts his grip on you helping you up you notice what he's wearing "RK800 what does that mean?" You think to yourself when you see the number on his suit.


After a couple of minutes you try walking on your own the old man and Connor staying near you just in case you fall.
You walk towards the crate that says your name on it and sure enough your stuff is still in there.

You show the old man and Connor the box and you weakly manage to speak quietly "This is my stuff" they both nod in acknowledgment and the old man offers to hold your stuff for you which you allow him to do so.

"What year is it?" You speak quietly your throat dry making it hard to talk normally.
"It is the year 2038 you have been sleeping for 20 years" Connor tells you in a sincere voice making your eyes widen and you whisper surprised "What...?" Shock filling your entire body you ignore the old man scolding Connor as thoughts begin to race in your mind of what could possibly happen over the last 20 years your thoughts pointing to the worst possibilities.

"C'mon let's just get out of here" the old man says trying to change the subject for you as he starts to go towards what must be the exit.
"But Lieutenant what about the Deviant?" Connor asks the Lieutenant and he replies waving it off dismissively "Its whatever, let's go this girl is more important" he says as he walks on ahead with your stuff in hand.

Deviant? What's a deviant?

Connor looks back at the room hesitantly searching for something maybe the so called deviant? He looks back at you and offers to carry since your still weak. You allow him to do so he picks you up piggyback style wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your head on his shoulder leaving the facility your mind racing.

What the happened? And What the hell do I do now?...


𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 ||DBH Connor x Reader||✔Where stories live. Discover now