Chapter 36: Where You Bury Your Androids

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Song Quote: Lovely
"Oh, I hope someday I'll make it out of here Even if it takes all night or a hundred years Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near Wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear Isn't it lovely, all alone? Heart made of glass, my mind of stone"

Connor's Pov:
The sky was getting darker as the evening was settling in. Hank and I had our guns at the ready as we entered the cemetery.
I know he's here I know why he's here.

Up ahead we spotted underneath a lamppost kneeling over a unmarked grave.
Hank ran ahead of me, I stood behind as him as he yelled "Freeze!"

"Don't even try" Lenny hissed not making eye contact with us.
"Nobody will win..." he finished.

"We will when I put a bullet in your skull ya sick fuck" Hank hissed anger in his voice.

Lenny rose to his feet not turning around "Lenny this will all end peacefully if you come with us" I told him trying to reduce the tension and prevent a possible conflict.

"So I could be scrapped and torn apart? No way if I die I'd rather be near Abby as I embrace the darkness and torn apart by my demons" He explained as he twitched slightly.

He turned around throwing his concealed knife at us.
Hank and I both dodged it and I stuck upwards in the ground.
I turn my head to see Lenny grab my collar forcing me to the ground.

I fought back pushing and shoving at his face and body as I tried forcing him off my body. I saw Hank trying to pull the psycho off of me refusing to fire his gun in fear of shooting me by accident.

In the struggle I managed to push him off and grabbed my gun that was nearby and shot him three times.
But by a miscalculation I ended up shooting his shoulders and chest.

I stood up as Lenny knelt onto the ground staring up at both of us with a crazy smile.

"You finally got me" he smiled as he held his arms up in surrender relief on his face "Go ahead, Shoot"

We stood there silent unsure of what to do next it's like he's begging for death as if he's finally broken down...

"Take this to (Y/n)" He reached into his pocket and threw it onto the ground in front of my feet.
I knelt down and picked it up and inspected the small piece "Its a special one only for her model..." he muttered.

"Why?" I questioned examining the small biocomponent before looking at him.
"Why not? At least you can get your lover back" He explained sighing deeply.

"After I lost Abby I could only feel the anger of my loss that I took it out on our own kind, I don't want to be here anymore..." he trailed off.

"You could change for the better though and live on for her" I told him.
"I thank you for the gesture Connor but I'd rather not I've caused enough calamity" he replied gravely.

"At least someone knows what it's like to lose someone you love" Lenny said aloud smiling softly.

"What...?" I muttered confused but he interrupted "I hid in the shadows of the alleyways and saw you hold her close as she shut down, you must really care for her huh?" He asked staring into my eyes.

"You know what Love and loss is huh? At least I can rest with someone knowing what I have felt..."

"No matter I'm done" He added gravely as he stood in front of the grave pulling out a gun.
Hank thought he was gonna shoot one of us so he aimed his gun ready to shoot him.

"Sweet Abby, at least you're here with me..." he muttered to himself before aiming the gun up underneath his chin, my eyes widened in shock.

Before Hank and I could react he pulled the trigger shutting down immediately as his body layed back next to the grave mound behind him.

Hank and I looked at eachother unsure of what to do.
"it's over..." he sighed heavily looking at me.

"We should bury him here" I told the Lieutenant in thought as I stared at the broken android.

"How so?" He questioned "He may have been insane but he obviously wants to be with his loved one... I don't know it just seems right" I told him my thoughts as I kneeled down to the ground.

He sighed heavily "Alright whatever I'll call up a friend to take care of this, let's just head home I'm tired" he groaned as I stood back up and followed behind.


We drove back to (Y/n) and I's home in our separate vehicles.
I would glance at the thirium pump Lenny had given me and I started to feel hopeful and desire to get home with haste filled my thoughts.

(Y/n) would wake up if I give this to her...

I pulled up to the driveway and headed inside with Hank following behind.
We headed into the house towards her room.

I opened the door to her bedroom to see Teddy perk up as he snuggled up next to her body.
He jumped to his feet excited to see Hank and I but Hank pulled him away and held the puppy as I say by (Y/n)'s side.

I grabbed her body and made her sit up slightly leaning against the pillow as I opened up her chest taking the thirium pump and inserting it into the missing spot.

"Please work" I muttered to myself as I pushed it into place.
She opened her eyes and looked at Hank and Teddy before settling her eyes onto mine.

I smile so wide at her my heart was pounding as I held her hand in mine.

But I got caught off guard when she pulled her hand away abruptly muttering something that shattered a part of me.

"Who are you...?"


(Sorry short chapter *^*)

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