Chapter 50: Time Doesn't Stop, We Keep Going

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Song Quote: Beings
"These will be times that I will miss
Don’t blame me if I don’t come through I spent a lifetime on this But I would give it up for you Because I know what you do out of passion But it only makes it harder for me And I know that you’re scared by the notion We’ll become who we're meant to be"

"Hello Detective Reed" You greeted with distaste as you walked into the break room to grab some coffee for Hank.

"Hey Detective Pink cheeks" He greeted in a cocky tone as usual.
"Still using that nickname I see, whatever you should get other hobbies" You sighed as you took the cup off the counter.

"Wow you got very confident lately, what happened you would get red in anger when I called you that" He mused as he sipped his coffee.

"Simple, I don't care" You hissed every word and you dug around in your personal bag and pulled out a old wallet that was torn, shredded and stained.

You tossed it over to the detective and he caught it "My dog loved his chew toy by the way, you should buy him another" You suppressed a giggle as you walked out of the break room.

Behind you could hear Gavin spouting curses and groaning at the dilapidated state of his wallet as well as the unusable credit cards.

You were giggling as you headed back to your shared desks.
"Something funny?" Hank raised a eyebrow as you handed him his coffee.
"Nah anyways what's the new case?" You dismissed and turned your attention to work.

It was just another day at work as a detective working alongside your favorite partners Hank and Connor.

You guys were dealing with a simple homicide case as usual but nothing noteworthy.
Soon enough the work day was over and you all decided to hang out at your house today after work.


You stood in the kitchen making dinner for Hank while Connor and Conan tried helping you.

You were making a simple meal and so you had the other androids doing the simple tasks.
Connor was peeling and slicing up potatoes. You warned the android not to cut himself by accident and if he did he was not allowed to lick the blood.

Meanwhile Conan had his long sleeve black turtleneck sleeves rolled up as he was washing the dishes and cleaning up.
Conan on occasion would step away to move Teddy away from the kitchen so the dog wouldn't get in the way.

Conan would do so by playing with Teddy to distract him or simply feed him a treat.
Lastly Hank was sitting at the small dining table scrolling on his phone and chatting with you guys as you all worked in the kitchen.

This entire domestic scene has become a normal routine very familiar when Hank would come over for dinner.
Sometimes you guys would turn on the stereo and you would start singing to your old favorite songs as you cooked.

Which has led to some funny moments with this odd bunch.
For example you had played the song Billie Jean and taught Connor and Conan some simple moves.
Straight up Connor did a perfect Moonwalk that made you and Hank freeze up and you lost your mind over it that you almost forgot about the meatloaf in the oven.

Anyways you were boiling the potatoes Connor had sliced for you so you had him slice some vegetables.
Well apparently nobody put the thirium packs in the medicine cabinet and it got knocked over somehow.

The pouch had torn and now there was thirium on the floor.
You had left for a moment to go get a mop to clean it and when you came back you saw Connor and Conan crouched in front of it.

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