Chapter 40: Not Valentine's Day Date

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Song Quote: Love Like You
"If I could begin to be Half of what you think of me I could do about anything I could even learn how to love When I see the way you act
Wondering when I'm coming back I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like you Love like you I always thought I might be bad
Now I'm sure that it's true 'cause I think you're so good And I'm nothing like you Look at you go I just adore you I wish that I knew What makes you think I'm so special"

"Hey Connor I just realized since we're dating we haven't been on a single date yet" You voiced as you layed lazily on the couch snuggling up with a pillow as you looked on your phone.

"What do you mean? We hang out a lot, Don't those count as dates?" Connor looked up from his book as he sat on a recliner.

"Of course but I mean, like an actual Date" you emphasized putting your phone down to look at him.

"Well Valentine's day is this week, the romance holiday we could go out on a date that day" He offered as his LED when yellow as if he's searching for data online.

"Nope! I'm sorry but Valentine's day can kiss my ass" You jumped up shaking your head and crossing your arms to form a X.

"Why though?" He looked at you surprised with confusion written on his face.

"It's expected to do something special on that day so it doesn't feel genuine" You explained as you pushed the pillow you held to the side.

"Elaborate please?" He asked as he watched you.

"Would you rather get a small gift for no reason at random times or something huge just because its V-day?" You put it simply.

"It's the thought that counts?" He questioned slightly understanding what you mean.

"Exactly" you nodded and added
"Valentine's day is just a regular day to be honest"

"Well what would you rather do?" He asked tilting his head at you curiously.
"We could go out the day after or day before?" You offered and he replied "We could go out on a date tomorrow if you'd like?"

"Yeah, we don't have work so that sounds nice" You smiled at him as you left the room to go charge your phone which was getting low.

Connor's Pov:
First date Huh? I don't know much about that, hopefully I don't wanna mess this up...

I'll look up what to do!

My LED light went yellow as I searched through many sources compiling together ideas and advice on what I need to do.


(Y/n)'s Pov:
The next day you were getting dressed but you honestly didn't know what to wear.
Usually you would put on whatever felt comfortable on but this time you at least would like to look like you put some effort in!

After thirty minutes of panicking and fussing you ended up settling on a warm sweater, jeans and a pair of boots.

You walked out of your room at the same time as Connor.
"He must have been fussing about his clothes too..."

You took in his appearance: He wore a dark blue button up with the sleeves rolled up to the forearms with the bottom tucked into his black pants with his black shoes.

"Looking good Connor" You complimented with a smirk and caught a whiff of that familiar cologne he used once before.

His whole cool and collected persona he tried to put up faltered as he bashful returned a compliment rubbing the back of his neck "You look great as usual (Y/n)..."

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