Chapter 22: The Plan

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Song Quote: Lighthouse
"When it gets real, just know that I'll be there
I got your back, like it's just you and me here
I'll go to war for you, let them bring it
I'll take on the world for you, better believe it"

You open your eyes looking straight ahead at the Tv that was still left on.
You glance over to your right and Connor was leaning on your shoulder his eyes shut as Teddy curled up snuggling into his lap.

"So last night did happen? Seemed like a weird nightmare running away from armed soldiers while the others were killed..."

You looked down in thought and reached your hand over to pet the sleeping puppy.
"Sweet puppy..." you smiled softly to yourself as you daydreamed a bit.

Connor stirred when he felt you were awake he lifts his head up and looks at you.
"Morning (Y/n)" He greets you as his LED switched from yellow to blue.

"Good morning" You reply as you stand up and turn off the Tv.

Connor stayed quiet and you glanced at him with a raised eyebrow "Is something wrong?" You wondered as you left the room to go take care of the laundry.

You walked back into the living room and set Connor's dry Deviant clothes in front of him on the coffee table and decided to ask "Something on your mind? You've been quiet Connor" You pointed out as you sat down next to him.

"Yeah I guess....its just that it's my fault that Jericho got discovered. If we hadn't gone there then things would've been for the best..." He trails off conflicted as he looks down running a hand through his disheveled hair.

"Well it's shitty that they got discovered and many androids have died. But we can't change the past but we can change the future, We both know I learned that lesson..." You joked at him half heartedly with a smirk trying to lift his spirit.

"Are you okay (Y/n)?" He asks changing the subject to you worried.

"Yes, Yes I'm fine Don't worry about me and let me worry about you" You reply smiling before adding "Also in the future let's hope you don't have to point a gun at me again since that's happened twice already" You pointed out jokingly.

"Sorry..." He mumbled looking down apologetic "Its Alright Connor, not like you truly wanted to and it's not like you actually shot me" You replied having already forgiven the android many times.

You notice Teddy start to wake up and you take him from Connors lap.
"Hey there sweetie" You smiled at the puppy as he became more alert and greeted you with happiness in his dark eyes.

You take the puppy out to do its business and leaving Connor to feed Teddy while you changed clothes in the other room.

You changed back into your now dry Deviant disguise and walk back into the living room.
Connor is playing tug of war with Teddy and he was losing.

"Also Connor" You state catching his attention and hold out your hand gesturing for him to give you something.
"My gun" You smirk at him and he returns the smile as he gets up and grabs your gun handing it back to you.

"Thanks" You reply as you check the ammo and put it into your inner coat pocket.

"When it gets later in the day we should head to the androids location and meet up with them" You tell Connor as you check the time.

He nods in agreement adding "Hopefully they all gathered and haven't been tracked" you nod your head hoping for the best.

"We should wait until it gets really late" You tell him and add "Gotta lay low, the city is doing sweeps of androids and sending them to camps" You tell Connor as you go towards the door to head out.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 ||DBH Connor x Reader||✔Where stories live. Discover now