Chapter 3: New World

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Song Quote: Tell me Why I'm waiting
"Tell me why I'm waiting for someone that couldn't give a fuck about me"

After leaving the police station with your small crate of items and Hank's money in the back of your pocket you walk down the sidewalk going in the direction Hank pointed for you to go.

You followed the sidewalk watching curiously of the people that passed by and you saw some androids that you accidentally mistaked for people.

You did walk by a riot of people shouting and holding signs saying that Androids are taking their jobs and full of hate speech.

"Jeez Technophobe much?" You sighed but then you see them knock down a android who was simply walking by.

Before you knew it you were marching towards the riot as they tried to pick a fight with the android kicking the Male android to the ground and stomping on it.
You set down your box of belonging and run in between the guy and android.

"Get out of the way" The man hisses the angry crowd right behind him.
"Leave him alone" You hissed your eyes meeting the man's.

"Your one of those android lovers aren't ya? Looks like you just got fired from your job and yet your defending one of them" he hissed looking down on you trying to intimidate you.

"My situation is none of your business. Just leave the guy alone" You respond your eyes never leaving his.

"You think its human? Whatever see what happens when you value these plastic creeps they don't feel!" He shouts walking away along with the crowd each one giving you a mean mug.

When the crowd walked away you flipped them off and turned towards the android.
"You alright?" You ask him as he bent down to grab a box he was carrying.
His eyes meet yours showing a glint of gratitude before walking away silently.

You shrug and grabbed your own box and headed towards the motel.

You find the motel pretty easily since it was a regular building instead of one of the high tech ones you saw on your way here.

You walk inside and pay for a room for the night taking the key and going to the designated room.

When you walk inside you set your box down onto the bed pulling everything out and seeing what you have.

You pulled out a small amount of clothes and you found your old cellphone and turn it on seeing your lockscreen.
A bunch of update notifications pop up and you allow them to run setting your phone aside and dig through your box.

You found your wallet with your debit and credit cards in them "At least I won't starve tonight" you sigh and you find a small amount of cash in there.

You find your house and Car keys in the box as well "do I even have a house or car anymore?" You wondered aloud and your nose catches the scent of something nasty.

You sniff yourself and sure enough it's from you "Aww gross!" You shout disgusted and you grab your clothes "I should take a shower and wash my crusty ass" You say to yourself and head towards the door.


After your shower you get dressed and plop down onto your motel bed grabbing your phone and scroll through your contacts.

You start making calls to all your numbers and you end up having no luck since each number is inactive or rejected your call "I guess my old friends forgot about me" you sigh sadly to yourself "huh,makes sense since everyone probably thinks I'm dead"

Fustrated you lay back on the bed staring at the ceiling your mind drifting through space.
"I have no one but myself" You sigh to yourself dejected "Jeez that sounded Edgey" your thoughts circling around "I wonder if I could get my car back...maybe drive around the country not giving a damn?" You thought.

"I should try to get my old job back and get some extra money together" you shrug grabbing your phone and dialing Hank's number.

"Hey Hank I know this is too soon but I need a favor"


The next day you visited the police station talking to a police officer and told them your license plate number so they could look it up and give you a location on where it is.

They told you the location and you turn to see Hank and Connor working at their desks you approach them.

"Hello Hank, Hello Connor" You greet them.

"So what's was that favor ya wanted? You told me that you needed a favor and told me you would come to the police station" He says crossing his arms as he sat at his desk.

"I want my old job back"

"Go ahead and talk to Jeffrey, He'll probably help ya out" Hank points towards the glass office.

"I also would like a ride" You add in wondering if that's too much to ask for.

"To where?" He asks and you tell him the address.
"Alright fine" he shrugs as he continues looking at his computer screen working on the case.

You walk off towards the office and after explaining what happened and convincing your boss what happened to you and him recognizing you he gives you back you job.

Your boss walks out the office to the top of the steps yelling out to Hank "Hank your training Officer (L/n) and updating her on new protocols" "Alright!" Hank yells back hostility in his voice and you see him standing on front of Connor who was up against a wall his eye wide.

"Did something happen?" You wondered and started to walk towards them.

"Lieutenant, uh sorry to disturb you... I have some information on the AX400 that attacked the guy last night, it's been seen in the Ravendale district" a officer informed him and walked off.

"I'm on it" Hank replies glaring at Connor and he turns to leave and calls for you to follow "C'mon (Y/n)"

Sorry for the short chapter it is just a small filler.

(Also I used the song above as a quote cuz the chapter referenced was called "Waiting for Hank" lol)

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