Chapter 9: Eden Club Homicide

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Song Quote: Emotional
"You are no good for me no more
We don't know how to love without a war
We're a disease without a cure
You wanna hurt just a little, hurt just a little more"

As you drove you glanced in the rear view mirror to see Connor sitting in the back lightly petting the sleeping puppy.

"I didn't know you liked dogs (Y/n)" Connor stated and looked at you "Yeah I do, I just found that little guy all alone I had to take him in" you admitted looking back at the dark road in front of you.
He smiles kindly at you saying "I like Dogs"

"Ah... Feels like somebody's playing with a drill inside my skull..." Hank complained as the vehicle came to a stop.
Hank glances out the window and asks "You sure this is the place?".
You stare out the window and see bright colors of a high tech neon building.
"Its the address in the report" the android replied "Right..." Hank mutters and adds as he gets out of the the car "Okay...Let's get going".

Hank gets out of the car along with you and Connor.
You hide the puppy under a blanket whispering "I'll be back" before kissing the puppy on the head then locking the car securely.

"The Eden club..." you mutter turning around at the neon pinkish purple sign walking behind The Old man and Android.

"Sexiest androids in town...Now I know why you insisted on coming here" Hank voiced out loud making you confused "Wait a minute is this the type of place I think it is?" You wondered.

You guys walk through the entrance looking around seeing suggestive themes.

You walk right behind Hank but you notice Connor looking at a female android standing in a clear case.
"Connor what are you doing?" You ask tilting your head at him. "Ah nothing,Coming" he tells you and you catch up to Hank with Connor right behind you.

"Hank what are these androids for?" You ask him as you tilt your head you know it's a sex club but your hoping that the androids aren't used for that sort of thing.

Hank sighs heavily grumbling "Aww for fucks sake!"
Not wanting to answer your question Hank keeps walking and you drop the subject "My suspicion was correct then" You grumbled in your head in disgust.

When you catch up to Hank he's talking to another guy and you hear their conversation "Gavin's in there too" the officer informs Hank and he sighs voicing annoyed "Oh, great...A dead body and an asshole, just what I needed..."

Hank starts to walk towards the room but stops abruptly before turning around warning you "Ah, (Y/n) it's probably better that you don't come in, it's probably not a pretty sight."

You shake your head stating "Its alright let's go in" You gesture for them to open the door.
It isn't the first time you've seen a dead body due to your job before so your used to it but sometimes it does get too gross to see.

You walk into the room with the guys behind you the sight of a guy who you assume is Gavin fills your vision he turns around to face your group greeting "Lieutenant Anderson and his plastic pet...The fuck are you two doing here? Also accompanied by a little girl?."

"I'm not a little girl! Im 20 and I am not short!" You barked in your head but held your tongue instead glared at Gavin.
Connor informs Gavin "We've been assigned all cases involving androids."

"Oh yeah? Well, you're wasting your time." He tells you guys adding "Just some pervert who, uh, got more action than he could handle" Gavin joked chuckling to himself.
You sigh "gross..." muttering lowly.

Hank turns to the other officer in the room dismissing him Hank replies "We'll have a look anyway, if you don't mind".

Gavin scoffs and looks to the officer "Come on, let's go. It's uh starting to stink like booze in here..." he comments while looking at Hank walking away.

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