Chapter 7: No Rest For The Weary

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Song Quote: No Rest for the Wicked
"There ain't no rest for the wicked money don't grow on trees I got bills to pay I got mouths to feed ain't nothing in this world for free"

You turned around after Hank left and looked at the surrounding area.
"Now where is my car?" You wondered as you looked around.

After some searching you found your car locked up in a garage your father owned and you got the keys to it.

You climb into your old car and take a deep breath inhaling the familiar fumes.
Vanilla mixed with a warm pumpkin spice you breathed in the smell "Ahhh smells just like before" you smile to yourself as you start up the car after a couple attempts you managed to get it to turn on.

"Now that's my old girl" You smile patting your old car "Still just as good" you shift the car into gear and drive off leaving the garage after locking it up.

You drive off to where your motel is turning on the radio silently listening as you drove.


You park your car in front of the motel heading inside to your room.
You grab your box of stuff and take it out to your car and putting it into your back seat.

You sat on the hood of your car unlocking your phone seeing if you could unlock your bank account from your phone and after a couple of minutes of trying you got it to work.
"Yes! Now I can actually eat!" You smile triumphantly making some progress to taking back your life
your train of thought stopped when you hear whimpers from nearby.

Your heart dropped as you stood up and stepped towards the cries.
You see a pile of newspapers with something underneath them.
You pick up the newspaper and your heart broke at the sight in front of you was a small golden scared puppy crying for help.

By the looks of the golden puppy it was maybe about 8 weeks old.
You scoop it up in your arms gently "What are you doing out here little one?" You cooed to the puppy your heart melting when it sniffs you and leans into your embrace exhaustion present on its features.

You decide to take the puppy with you and you had it sleep in your lap as it slept you would occasionally glance down at it while you would drive.

Later on you pulled up to the store and walked inside putting the puppy inside of your jacket pocket which was surprisingly big enough for the small puppy.

You quickly bought yourself food and essentials as well as blankets and dog food and a dog dish already getting attached to this little puppy.

You payed for your stuff using your debit card and left the store.
You headed back to the car and dumped all the stuff from your box of stuff into a black backpack that already holds most of the stuff you bought.

You take a blanket and a small pillow and lay them down into the box forming a small crib like bed.
You put the crate bed on the backseat and strap it down with a seatbelt you lau the puppy down on the bed tucking it in with a blanket covering it.

The puppy was unsure of the surroundings but eased into a sleep at the touch of comfort.
"Poor little guy..." you cooed before placing your backpack on the floorboard and getting back into the front seat.

You looked up online for any apartments for sale and browsed through them.
Amidst your search your phone started to go off from a unknown number you decide to answer.

"Hello?" You ask the other person.

"Hello (Y/n) there has been a homicide not that long ago and I request that you come along with Hank and I" You recognize the voice as Connor and you respond "Of course where are you guys?"

"I'm outside of Lieutenant Anderson's house about to go get him" Connor responds over the phone.

"Give me the address and I can meet up with you guys" You state waiting for the androids answer.

Connor gives your Hank's address and you get off the phone with him.
You turn around to the little puppy who's asleep soundly in his little bed.
"Little guy looks like We're going to a homicide, but first We're going to Hanks house" You sigh looking at the clock which was very late.

"No rest for the weary" You sigh and look at the puppy in your rear view mirror "At least you get to go to sleep little guy" You smirk before starting up your car and driving off towards Hank's house.

Sorry for the short chapter .^.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 ||DBH Connor x Reader||✔Where stories live. Discover now