Chapter 44: Android Babysitter

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Song Quote: Wouldn't It Be Nice
"Wouldn't it be nice if we were older
Then we wouldn't have to wait so long? And wouldn't it be nice to live together In the kind of world where we belong?"

"Good morning Conan, how was your night?" You greeted the android when you walked into the livingroom still in your pajamas.

"Horrible." He deadpanned in a annoyed tone.
"How so?" You asked the chair bound android.

"Your dog kept visiting me during the night and it kept pulling on my pants" He replied glancing at the golden dog at your feet.

"Awww he just wanted to play with you" You gushed picking up Teddy and holding him in front of Conan.

Teddy wagged his tail happily leaning towards Conan to lick his nose.

The android on the other hand looked at you confused and eyed Teddy warily "Hello?" He greeted.
Conan's LED lit up blinking yellow.

Teddy leaned forward and kissed Conan on the cheek
"He already likes you" You smiled and pulled Teddy away.
Conan sat there in shock processing what just happened.

"How do you know that? You can't understand how he feels" He questioned after composing himself his LED turning blue.

"He loves everyone so consider yourself lucky" You said and walked into the kitchen.

You picked up a note that Connor left reading it says:
"I went to work really early to collect information, can you watch Conan so he doesn't contact Cyberlife for me?
I love you see you tonight
<3 Connor"

You smiled at the note and surprised by how neat his handwriting his.
You heard from the other room "my predecessor left already" Conan informed in a neutral tone.

"Yeah thanks, I figured that out" You responded sarcastically.
You walked back into the livingroom and stared at the android who now had Teddy laying in his lap happily.

Conan seemed tense at the contact but he didn't complain surprisingly.
"Looks like I gotta watch you" You told the android.
"I'm gonna keep my eyes peeled on you" you stared him down

"Your eyes aren't banannas though" he pointed out in a blank tone.


"Fair point" you responded adding "Your like Connor's sassy younger brother."

"Don't you compare me to him. He and I are different" He spat with a small glare.

"But are you really?" You raised a eyebrow and he nodded.
"We'll see about that" You rolled your eyes and walked away.

While you were in the other room Conan was trying to figure out how to escape his binds.

He tried wiggling around hoping his strength would break something.

"You won't break out of those!" You called from the kitchen knowing exactly what Conan was up to halting his movements.

"Shit..." You heard him curse under his breath after a crash was heard.

You ran to the livingroom to see Conan flipped his chair to the side.
"Don't. say. anything." He warned glaring at you with a yellow LED as he layed on the floor.

You suppressed a chuckle as you grabbed the chair putting him back into the right position.

You then sat on the couch typing up a report on your laptop keeping a close eye on Conan.

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