Chapter 6: The Nest

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Song Quote: Isle of Flightless birds
"If you decide to live by what you thinks wrong and right believe you'll begin to wish you were sleeping"

You step out of the elevator in the building where the deviant might be.
Hank turns around catching Connors attention "Hey Connor! You run outta batteries or what?" He asks and Connor immediately apologizes "I'm sorry, I was making a report to Cyberlife" he explains.

"Well do you plan on staying in the elevator?" Hank asks sarcastically.
"No I'm coming" Connor tells him and you walk behind Hank "Well let's get a move on"

"What do we know about this guy?" Hank asks as he walks down the hall with both you and Connor behind him.

"Not much, Just that a neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody's supposed to be living here, but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding a LED underneath his hat" Connor informs both of you.

"Oh christ, if we have to investigate everytime someone hears a strange noise, we're gonna need more cops" Hank complains and sighs to himself and you silently agree with him.

"Were you really making a report back there in the elevator just by closing your eyes?" Hank asked Connor who responds with a simple "Correct".
"Shit...wish I could do that" Hank mutters out loud as he leaned up against a wall.

Your group arrived at the door where the weird noises were supposedly coming from.
Connor steps up knocking on the door normally but no answer.
He looks at you then Hank and you gesture with your head to try again.
This time he knocks louder yelling "Anybody home? Open up! Detroit Police!"

You hear shifting and noises coming from inside and immediately you step back behind Hank "Stay behind me" He instructs you and Connor.
Connor makes sure that your behind him.

Hank pulls his gun out and kicks open the door with his foot walking into the apartment.
You look at Connor and he looks back at you before you both walk in, Him taking the lead following behind Hank.

You walk into the main room and immediately your hit with the smell of shit.
"Ah Jesus, this place stinks..." Hank complains and you see all of these pigeons around the room.

"Ah it smells like shit in here" you complain holding your nose shut as you fiddled in your pocket for a rag.
"That's because there's shit on the floor" Hank replies as he holds his nose.
You hold the rag up to your mouth and nose to try to relieve yourself of the smell of bird shit.

"Well looks like we came for nothing, our mans gone" Hank complains and you see Connor find a book and Hank opens a window and fresh air flows into the room.

"Oh my God thank you Hank" you stick your head out the window relieving your nose.
"Found something?" Hank asked Connor as you took your head out of the window to once again face the bird room.
"I don't know, it looks like a notebook but its...indecipherable"

You all look around the room for clues and where the suspect could be.

"I found the deviants ID card" Connor stated and he showed you and Hank.
"Huh so his name is Rupert" You state as you look at the fake ID.
Connor hands it over to Hank to hold onto and you each separate and keep looking.

"Agh! Jesus I hate these things!" Hank yells annoyed when the pigeons kept flying up in his face causing you to snicker a bit.

After looking around the room Connor was able to put together what happened and found the trail of where the deviant is.

You see Connor then get up onto a chair looking up at a hole in the ceiling but he was suddenly knocked down by the deviant causing you to also stagger a bit.
Pigeons fly up into Hanks face "Goddamn fuckin' pigeons!" He yells staggering as you see the Deviant run away.
You fix your balance as Connor staggers to his feet "What are you waiting for?! Chase it" Hank gives Connor an order and he runs off and out of the apartment and after the deviant.

You run after him not that far behind and you watch the two run away but you lose them quickly as they are jumping up and over obstacles.

You run up on a building seeing both Connor and the deviant riding on top of a train.
"Holy shit..."

They run in a huge chase across a field, a greenhouse and across buildings and you watch in amazement.

You watch the deviant run up to where you and Hank are standing "stop right there!" Hank yells but you step in front of him to try and take the deviant down yourself.

That plan fails as the deviant kicks you in the stomach you stagger backwards and Rupert pushes you making you lose balance to fall off the ledge only saving yourself by holding onto the ledge.

You feel the wind knocked out of you as far rushes through your body dangled there trying to pick yourself back up and doing something stupid you looked down which only made it worse for yourself.

You saw Hank try to fight the deviant but he fell over.
Your eyes land on Connor and your give him a pleasing look for some help as the deviant tries to run away.

He seems to be thinking of what to do.
Immediately Connor runs over to you, you lift your arm up a smile forming on your face as he helps pull you up you look down at the ground cursing yourself out.

You beat yourself up blaming yourself for being so damn weak and only hindering progress.

"Dammit! We almost had him I should have caught him" you curse yourself out as you got to your feet.
"Its my fault, I should have been faster" Connor stated looking in the direction of where the Deviant ran off.

Hank gets up to his feet and looks at you worried "(Y/n) are you okay?" Hank asked and upon seeing you fine you immediately apologized "We would have caught it if I didn't hesitate"

Hank walks up to you and pats you on the back reassuringly "That's alright, We know what it looks like. We'll find it..."
Hank stated and turns on his heel walking towards the door.

You follow trailing behind but stop as you turn around to Connor "Hey Connor" this catches his attention as he looks at you "Thank you for uh saving me" you smile at him gratefully before leaving.


You sat in the front seat of Hank's car "Hank can you drop me off somewhere?" You ask your superior who sighs "Where to?" You tell him the location and he drives you where you need to go while Connor sat in the back seat watching the two of you.

Later on Hank drives up to the location and you get out of the car "Thank you Hank" You tell him.
"You sure this is the right place?" He asks looking at the surrounding area.

"Positive. Now I'm gonna go get my car" You smile holding up your old car keys and jingling them a bit.

"Alright drive safe" Hank sighs.
"You too, Bye Lieutenant, Bye Connor" You wave at the two stepping away from the vehicle.

Hank starts driving off you glance in the window to see Connor watching you.

"What's he thinking about?"


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