Chapter 29: Krispy Krime Stopping Trio United

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Song Quote: Something About Us
"I might not be the right one It might not be the right time,But there's something about us I've got to do Some kind of secret I will share with you"

You and Connor arrived outside the police station "let's go" You tell the android as you both get out of the car and head inside the building.

You both separate as he heads to his interview and you go to your desk.
"Hanks late again huh? Oh well he'll show up soon" You thought to yourself as you started working.

Some new case files popped up one really caught your eyes and you read it.
Apparently there have been some neighborhoods causing trouble between humans and androids usually leading to aggression.

"Geez there are just some violent people against androids...can't relate" you thought to yourself as you read about the different cases.

"Hopefully things don't get worse..." You shrugged to yourself dismissing the thought completely.
"Ah there you are" You looked up and greeted Hank as he walked over and sat in his desk next to yours.

"Did the desks get changed?" He asked looking at the empty desk across from his.
"Yeah remember? They added a extra desk for Connor since he's gonna work here.

"Oh yeah...speaking of which, where is he?" Hank questioned as he looked around the room and glared at Gavin who happened to show his face.

"You were looking for me Lieutenant?" You heard Connor ask from behind you.
"Yeah, you work here now I'm guessing?" Hank asked for confirmation from the android as you turned your head to look at him.

"Yes but they want you two to keep an eye on me for a while and give me proper training" He informs you both.

"Kay boss" You stated putting your head down to focus back on your work.

"Is that desk taken?" Connor asked pointing to the one to your left.
You glance at it and reply "Its yours, I got someone to put it in for you" You stated nonchalantly.

Without saying anything he sat down to your left while Hank sat across from him.

Connor logs into his computer and starts updating his data and forcing through his files.


After some time working Hank groaned aloud "Connor can you get me some coffee?" He asked the android irritation in his voice.

"Sure thing Lieutenant" Connor nodded getting up from his desk and heading to the break room but he turned towards you asking "Do you want anything Detective?"

"Uh yeah, can you get me some gummies from the vending machine?" You replied holding out some money for the android.

"Sure" he said while taking the money and walking off towards the break room.
"I'm gonna go give these files to the people working in the archive" You tell Hank as you get up carrying such files towards the archive room.

"Hey there pink cheeks!" You heard the oh so familiar voice that you've been trying to avoid.
Sighing quietly to yourself deciding to address him to so he will leave faster.

"Hi Gavin..." You greeted but stares at him your eyes screaming for him to leave you alone.

"You got a sec?" He asks in a less flirty tone but more friendly which is a shocker catching you off guard.
"Whatcha want?" You asked raising a eyebrow impatiently.

"I was thinking about what you said and I'd like to get to know you" He smiled at you as he held a cup of hot coffee in his hand.
"That's a shocker, are you a android sent to replace Gavin? Gavin would never be this friendly" You said looking at him suspiciously.

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