Chapter 5: Food Truck Stop

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Song Quote: I wanna know you
"I wanna know you
Gonna guess that you're the kind
To say what's on your mind
But you listen when I have something to show you"

Later on you stop in front of a food truck. You watch Hank get out of the car and almost get hit by one of those self driving cars cursing to himself as he crosses the street.
You see Hank talking to a guy and you look back at Connor who's sitting in the back seat with his hands in his lap gesturing to him "Wanna get out?" You ask and he nods quietly.

You get out of the car leaving the door open for him and he gets out as well "Thank you (Y/n)" he states and beside you as you both cross the street towards the food truck

You don't pay attention to what Hank and the guy are talking about but you glance over at Connor as he seems to be analyzing everything around you.

He looks over at you "He's probably analyzing something" you shrug
Deciding to order yourself a soda with some pocket money you had on you.
The guy gives you your Fanta and you walk off to go stand at a nearby table sipping the soda.

Hank walks up with his food and stands at the table. Shortly after Connor joins both of you "This pedro...He was proposing illegal gambling am I right?" Connor questioned Hank who nodded."Oh so that's what they were talking about pffft I didn't pay attention" you shrug taking a sip of your orange soda.

"And you made a bet?" Connor continued "Yeah" Hank nodded. This seemed to put Connor off as if he had to rethink what the Lieutenant said. "Thats kinda hypocritical but whatever" you thought to yourself.

Connor glanced at Hanks food pointing out "Your meal contains 1.4 times the recommended daily intake of calories and twice the cholesterol level" The Lieutenant glanced at his burger silently.
"You shouldn't eat that" Connor concluded.

"Everybodys gotta die of something" Hank shrugs it off nonchalantly you add into the conversation "We are here for a good time, Not a long time" you shrug taking a sip of your drink.
"Exactly" Hank agrees pointing at you with a smirk.

"This morning, when we were chasing those deviants...why didn't you want me to cross the highway?" Connor asked glancing at you and the Lieutenant.

"You could have been killed" you stated giving the most obvious answer.
"Yeah that and I don't like filling out paperwork for damaged equipment" Hank admitted.

"Is there anything you'd like to know about me?" Connor asked looking at both of you. You were about to say something but Hank interrupted abruptly "Hell no...well yeah, um...Why did they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice?" "Way to be so direct Hank..." you thought taking a sip of your Fanta.

"Cyberlife androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans. Both my appearance and voice are specifically designed to facilitate my integration".
Hank nods in understanding but adds "Well they fucked up" You sigh a bit at Hanks comment.

"Who's the one that designs how androids look because I need to have a word with them" you sigh crossing your arms "Why do they make these androids look like damn snacks?!" Both males look at you confused as to what your muttering about but you look at them like nothing happened.

"Maybe I should tell you both what we know about deviants?" Connor stated.
"You read my mind...go ahead" Hank stated.
"Please do, I don't know shit about androids" you prompted him to explain.

Connor nods then starts explaining "We believe that a mutation occurs in the software of some androids which can lead them to emulating a human emotion" you nod understanding what he means.

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