Chapter 47: Find Connor

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Song Quote: Break Free
"This is the part when I say I don't want ya I'm stronger than I've been before This is the part when I break free 'Cause I can't resist it no more"

"How are you even alive?" You asked in shock and confusion.

"Faked my death obviously, I was actually going to kill myself but it was jeopardized and instead I was offered a opportunity" He explained while examining a simple tool.

"What's that opportunity?" You seethed raising a eyebrow with a slight glare.
"Design Androids that allow humans to live on and assist in furthering their technology in exchange for mental healthcare and help in my own plans"

"You mostly studied biology, why would they want you for robotics?" You questioned staring at him as he walked around the room in thought.

"Well it seems a representative was really impressed by how I designed you, despite your later deviancy" He replied walking over to his computer and typed away.

"I'm still your daughter!" You barked struggling against your cuffs and bindings.
"I don't even know anymore if you are or just ones and zeros in many codes" He muttered under his breath not even looking up to look at you.

"Either way I do this because I have to" he finished as some robotic arms retracted from the ceiling and circled around you.

"Look around at what's right in front of you! I'm still your child" You argued still trying to break free.

"Not exactly, you're flawed" he replied in a dull voice.

"She was flawed before and she is flawed now because that's who (Y/n) was and who I am" You preached in annoyance always compared to your old self instead of who you are now.

The past is in the past and we all move forward.

"..." He stayed silent as he looked on the computer pushing more buttons.

The robot arms started taking you apart.
One clicked your right temple and your (s/c) skin started to disappear slowly revealing your white plastic body underneath.

"Hmm definitely need to change that in the design..." Your father muttered under his breath as he examined the screen that showed your statistics.

You were alerted when suddenly one of your arms was taken away and held up like a trophy.
"Great articulation, well taken care of excetra..." he noted to himself as a robot arm with a camera scanned your arm before setting it down on a nearby table.

You were forced to sit there silently in fear he would shut you down for making a scene.
This cycle of taking away pieces lasted for thirty minutes leaving you with only one arm and your chest cavity exposed showing your blue heart and skeleton.

"What happened before when you took me home that one time?" You asked breaking the silence looking to the side with a sad look in your eyes.

"You were too stiff and acted nothing like my daughter, only a mere android" Your father replied as he examined one of your feet.

When he stepped away from the computer it was close enough for you to reach.
You only had one arm left, with your left arm you reached over and touched the computer.
You hacked the computer and saw live footage of the room Connor and Conan were in.

You don't know where they were but you did see Connor obediently standing next to Conan both hooked up to many wires connected to a machine.

Before your father turned back around you let go of the computer leaving behind a picture of your family from your memories on the screen.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 ||DBH Connor x Reader||✔Where stories live. Discover now