Chapter 41: Escapism

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Song Quote: Issues
"Cause I got issues But you got 'em too So give 'em all to me And I'll give mine to you Bask in the glory
Of all our problems 'Cause we got the kind of love It takes to solve 'em Yeah, I got issues And one of them is how bad I need you"

You and Connor were in his mind garden and the sky was nighttime and you both layed on the ground lazily pointing gazing at the stars.

"Do you think I'm annoying?" You asked aloud as you stared at the sky.
Connor sat up leaning on his arm as he looked at you with distress "No. Why would I think that about you?" He asked.

"Everytime I get close to someone I accidentally push them away and hate them for leaving" You sighed looking into his worried with your indifferent ones.

"You can't get rid of me that easily" He smirked and booped your nose earning a giggle from you.

"Let's get out of here, we have work soon" he grabbed your hand leading you to the exit of the mind garden.


You opened your eyes as you layed down on the bed holding Connor's hand.He opened his bright brown eyes and gave you a soft smile as you both layed on the bed opposite of eachother.

Teddy hopped up onto the bed wanting to go to bed yawning loudly.
"Geez you've gotten bigger bud" You petted the dog as he slept by both of your feet.

"Goodnight Connor" You said as you pulled the covers over your body.
"Goodnight (Y/n), Love you" He replied as he pulled you close to him to cuddle "Love you too" you replied feeling the warmth of his clothes envelop you.
You turned your sleep program on and drifted off to sleep.


You awoke to the sound of someone talking.You looked over to the other side of the bed to find Connor is gone.

You got out of bed putting on a hoodie and left your room "Where's Connor?" You wondered as you looked around your home.

You by your shared office and in the crack of the door you see Connor kneeling on the ground holding his hands on his head as he is muttering incoherent words to himself.

"Connor?" You called out in worry.
He physically tensed up and slowly turned his head and met your eyes.

He was crying and his body was shaking uncontrollably.
"(Y/n)...?" he muttered as his eyes widened upon seeing you as he took his hands from his head.

His red LED that once glowed red flickered into a yellow as he gazed at you processing his surroundings.

You stepped closer to him and he slowly let his guard down as you took him into your arms sitting on the floor with him.

He leaned his head on your shoulder as you comforted him.
You sat there rocking him back and forth slowly rubbing his back deciding to ask questions later when he's more stable.

Something caught your eyes though, amongst a pile of scattered papers was your personal gun on the floor.

"What was he gonna do with that?" You questioned as a chill ran up your spine.

You held him for a good thirty minutes in the dark. Connor's shaking has stopped but something was clearly wrong as he silently hugged you.

You pulled away from him to look at his distaught face. You held his cheek in your hand to comfort him "What's wrong?" You cooed with sad eyes. It painted you to see him like this, something really bad must have happened to get him this shaken.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 ||DBH Connor x Reader||✔Where stories live. Discover now