Chapter 2: Where should I go?

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Song Quote: Escapism
"I guess I'll have to face that in this awful place. I shouldn't show a trace of doubt"

You look over your shoulder as you are leaving the now abandoned and run down facility an image of how clean and pristine it once was flashes threw your mind. People rushing around going about their business the place once lively, now a vacant ghost town.

You stare on ahead holding on tighter to Connor somehow finding some comfort in this peculiar man.
The sight of a older looking car comes into view which you guess is the other guys car.

"Alright put her in the front seat" The old man instructs Connor as he is putting your box of stuff in the trunk.
Connor nods walking close to the car before letting you off of his back helping you into the vehicle.
He opens the door for you and you slowly ease yourself down into the navigator seat sparing him a grateful smile as he shuts the door and enters the car himself.

The old man sits in the drivers seat starting the car, driving to who knows where. As the car heads towards a destination unknown, You relax into your seat easing your body and mind as its gills up with questions as the minutes pass.
Large skyscrapers pass your view, as you gaze out the window. You see cars that don't look anything like the car your currently in but instead like a shuttle train or a futuristic car from a movie or video game.

You people walking around outside your window they look normal but certain ones always seem to catch your eye.
They looked like regular people, but except they always had a LED on the side of their head just like the one you saw on Connor, a common trait you've taken note of.

"What's your name?" Asked the old man as he glanced at you as he drove the car.
"(Y/n) (L/n)" You answer quietly but quickly ask looking at him tilting your head "What's yours?" He glances at you neutrally "Hank Anderson" he responds puts it before letting silence fill the car except for the radio playing in the car somehow putting you at ease.

Hank asks another question "Do you have any relatives in Detroit?" He asks me and I give him my mom and dads name since I did live with them and they are my only family.

"What's changed exactly?" You inquire confusion in your voice unaware of how much the world has changed.
Hank responds as he stares ahead driving "eh...Just a bunch of technological advancements and there are these things called fucking Androids these days that are common so don't get scared when you see them" you nod in understanding

"I guess that explains the LEDS and the uniforms I've seen. But is connor an android?" You thought to yourself as
ou turn your head to the backseat and see Connor staring intently at you with a calm and neutral face but when you lock eyes with him he gives you a small smile.

You look back ahead glancing over to see a familiar looking building to you.
It looked like a regular police station similar to one that you once worked at except with technology mumbo jumbo that feels so distant to you.

The old man finds a parking spot and gets out of the car ordering Connor to help you exit the car as he grabs your box of stuff from the trunk.
Connor obeys as he proceeds to get out of the car, opening the door for you holding out a hand which you gratefully take you try walking on your own to get used to it and Connor sticks by you in case you are in need of assistance.

You trail behind Hank with Connor next to you as you head into the building you start to feel a bit overwhelmed by the front desk and the overall layout.
Hank passes security gate entering the main office area, He tells Connor to take you to a holding cell area for now.

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