Chapter 45: Autonomy

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Song Quote: Come As You Are
"Come as you are, as you were As I want you to be As a friend, as a friend As an known enemy Take your time, hurry up The choice is yours, don't be late Take a rest as a friend As an old Memoria"

"(Y/n) I'm home" Connor's voice called from the front door.

Your eyes flutter open as Teddy jumped up from his spot on the couch next to your head.

"Daddy's home Teddy" you told the dog as he wagged his tail in excitement little yips escaping his mouth in excitement.

"Hey..." You replied with a sleepy tone as you slowly sat up on the couch.
Conan was wide awake still bound to his chair.

"Uh Hey Conan" Connor waved to the android.
"RK800." He bluntly replied with a nod of acknowledgement.

Teddy ran to the top of the couch only to jump off into Connor's arms.
"Woah missed you too" He smiled holding Teddy up in a loving manner nuzzling their faces together.

"Interesting..." muttered Conan aloud as he watched this interaction.
"What's so interesting?" You raised a eyebrow at the android.

"Two androids living together like a married couple and raising a dog like an actual family" He replied with bewilderment on his face.

"Well I would like to consider us a family" Connor replied setting Teddy down on the couch.
"The idea is odd for androids since they aren't programmed so" Conan added.

"Everything about life is odd so who's to say this is any different" You retorted standing up and heading to the kitchen with Teddy at your heels.

Right before Connor left to follow you he saw Conan's light flicker to a red then yellow before returning back to blue.

You grabbed the bag of dog food and bent down to feed the small pup.
Teddy trotted over to the bowl too occupied of the idea of food than anything else.

"How was it watching Conan?" Connor asked as he got closer to you.
"It was fine I can manage" You smiled at him as you leaned up against the counter.

"I know that" He returned a gentle smile and stared at you with soft sweet eyes.
He walked closer and put his arms around your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Welcome home" You smiled at him both of you staring into each others eyes not of lust, only adoration for one another.

He pulled you closer to him and you felt his lips on yours savoring the lingering sweet vanilla taste on his tongue.

"Did you and Hank go out for milkshakes?" You asked when you pulled away.
"Yeah but I only tasted it I couldn't eat it remember?" he reminded you as you both pulled apart.

"Now I want a milkshake..." You muttered.
"How about when this problem with Conan blows over we could go out for milkshakes?" Connor proposed and you nodded at the idea.

"Speaking of that, what info did you find on Conan and Cyberlife?" You questioned him curiously.

He sighed in thought and replied meagerly "Nothing, Cyberlife has their data based locked up tight."
"Only way to access their data is from the inside" he shook his head adding "Completely out of the question."

You nodded in agreement no words to say.
Connor placed around the kitchen you could tell he was tense from the threat of Cyberlife.

"I don't know what to do, we're just stumbling in the dark with a version of me that wants to take us away" He voiced you could hear a strain in his voice.

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