Chapter 20: Jericho

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Song Quote: Not Your Kind Of People
"We are not your kind of people You seem kind of phony Everthings a lie
We are not your kind of people Something in your makeup
Don't see eye to eye"

Connor parks the car and you both get out.
You both walk up some stairs and see your at Ferndale station.

"What are we doing here?" You ask Connor as he looks down at his palm revealing a picture of some graffiti.

"This is our main clue to find Jericho" He tells you and adds "Look for this symbol" he pulls out his hand showing image of artwork with a specific symbol on it.

It was dark out and the snow was falling and after following all the graffiti in very specific places with the symbol and Connor showing off his Rk800 parkour skills that you copied. You both finally made it outside of a big rusty old ship that says Jericho the side.

"So Jericho is actually a cargo ship? That's a smart hideout" You mused as you looked at the big ship.

"Let's head inside to find Markus" Connor calls for you and you both find a way inside.

You walk into the main room in the ship to see many androids gathered watching the news on different screens.
You see supply boxes and some curtains put up containing injured androids.

Without hesitating Connor walks down the small stairs with you right behind.

You look over at the news channel playing "Tch, same old news" You grumbled in your head and ignored it.

You walk by white sheer curtains blocking off the injured androids.
You see the androids inside struggling to stay awake, some without limbs or missing pieces.
"What happened to these androids?" You wondered pity in your eyes as you walked by unable to stay.

You felt out of place even though you are technically one of them you feel like you don't belong.
Connor began to walk up some stairs but he is stopped by a android that's missing part of her head "You're lost. You're looking for something...You're looking for yourself" She concluded in her distorted voice.

Connor said nothing lost in thought and walked off.
She looks over to you "You're distraught, You're caught between two sides. You are rejecting yourself but want to accept yourself" She concluded as she puts a hand on your shoulder as a way to comfort you.

You look into her dark shiny ebony eyes in a trance before she walks away leaving you confused.

You look around to find Connor gone and you pick up the pace by walking up the stairs looking for the particular android.

As you were more focused on finding Connor you accidentally bumped into a android.
Snapping you from your thoughts you see the android from the highway.

"It- its you!" She gasped upon seeing you.
You put a frantic finger over your mouth "Don't worry I'm on your side" You tell her in a hushed calm voice.

"How can I trust your word on that?" She asks defensively as if she's ready to run.
"On that day on the highway my heart hurt when I saw you and that little girl run across the highway I was hoping you guys made it out alive. I was so happy when you did" You tell the android with a warm smile on your face.

"I was on the humans side because i had no clue and chose the side I thought was right, but now I'm unsure..." you tell her
"What do you mean?" She asks curiously.

You pull out your hand making the skin go away revealing the shiny plastic android hand.

"Its a long story" You tell her and add "But I hope you guys can live peacefully and I'm sorry" You apologize as you look into her eyes.

"Thank you..." She smiles at you and you say "I'm (Y/n)" You smile at her.

"Kara" She tells you but excuses herself "Take care of that little girl" You tell her softly "I will" She nods replying softly before turning around walking away.

As Kara walked away you look across the room to see Connor leaving the big room and heading to the upper parts of the ship.

"Where does he think he's going?"

You follow right behind him watching what he's doing and as you left the room you see Kara meeting up with her group.

"They look like a family" You smiled to yourself as you left the room climbing the stairs quietly.

You see Connor enter a room on the top of the ship with a gun in his hand.

"Wait is that my gun? When did he grab that?" You wondered as you walked closer keeping your steps quiet on the metal floor.

"I won't hesitate to shoot if you give me no choice" You heard Connor's voice from inside the room.

You hid from right behind the wall listening but you look over to see the Deviant Leader Markus with his back turned to Connor who is aiming his gun at him.

"What are you doing? You are one of us...You can't betray your own people..." Markus reasons with Connor as he takes a step forward towards the android.

"You're coming with me!" He shouts threatening Markus as if he's going to shoot.

"No!" You yell as you run into the room in front of Connor blocking Markus protecting him.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing?! Move out of the way" He orders you as he gestures to the side with his pointed gun.

"No I won't Connor, these people need him" You pleaded as you stare him down. His face contorted into mixed emotions of hurt and determination.

"Are you on their side now because you found out your an android as well?" Connor questioned you harshly as he holds the gun up at you trying to point it at Markus but you move over to block him.

"Maybe I am or because I just see people that want to be free " You argued back standing your ground unwavering.

"I'm not gonna ask again (Y/n), Move." He threatens but you see his hand shake as he holds the trigger.

"Connor I know your more than just a machine ever since I got to know you" You tell him "-Or was getting to know me just apart of your mission?" You hissed a bit hurt at the thought hoping it wasn't true.

He stayed silent seeing the hurt on your face he tries to masks his own emotions.

"Didn't you ever have any doubts? You've never done something irrational, as there's something inside you?.. Something more than your program" Markus questioned Connor from behind you as he stepped a bit closer.

"I don't know what your talking about. I'm not deviant, if that's what you want to know" Connor denied coldly as he stared at both you and Markus.

"Didn't you feel anything from all the time we spent together?" You asked him with hurt in your voice.

"I- I don't know...I think I did...?" He replies pained quietly looking down in thought his gun still pointed at you.

"You didn't shoot me before at Kamski's, So if you shoot me now to get to Markus. I will have my answer" You state harshly ready to accept the consequence.

"Your willing to accept this? To die?" He questioned softly his brown conflicted eyes meeting your determined (e/c) eyes.

"Well let me ask you Connor, Does this unit have a soul?" You questioned him with emotion on your face as you put a hand over where your heart is.

"Have you never wondered who you really are? Whether you're just a machine executing a program or...a living being...Capable of reason, I think the time has come for you to ask yourself that question" Markus adds in looking at you and Connor.

"Its time to decide..." Markus tells Connor his voice echoing throughout the room.


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