Chapter 17: Shoot or Don't Shoot?

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Song Quote: I Am Not A Robot
"You're vulnerable, You're Vulnerable You are not a robot.
Your lovable, so lovable But your just troubled Guess what? I'm not a robot"

"Destroy this machine and I'll tell you all I know...or don't if you feel it is alive" Kamski instructed Connor while pointing the androids arm in your direction.

Your eyes widen from the gun in front of you "what...?" You mutter aloud confused.

"Wait, you don't know (Y/n)? Your not exactly what you seem you know" Kamski tells you after looking at your shocked state.

"What do you mean?" You stare back at Kamski as he walked around you.
"You were frozen in a cryogenic pod correct?" He asks you as you looked at him suspiciously.

"The company that made designed that cryogenic pod was Biolife, a subcompany of Cyberlife. A side project if you will" He explains while keeping his eyes on you.

"What are you getting at?" You narrow your eyes defensively at the former CEO your eyes not breaking from his.

"Well your not exactly human anymore (Y/n). Chloe can you grab the tablet for me?" He calls for the android and she comes back shortly with a small tablet handing it to you.
You stuff the tablet into your purse but you keep your eyes on Kamski watching his movements.

"The details are in there but to sum it up for you,Your no longer a human being but merely a android in fact the only one of your kind. The RH200" He explains to you.

"That's stupid. I'm not a android I've been human since the day I was born" You glare at the man spitting words at him denying what he says.

"Is it? I only know this information because I knew your father and I designed the series model" He stated getting closer to you unwavering.

"He stole it from Cyberlife and I don't know how he did it but he wanted to give you a second chance at life after his mistake and...I'm sure you get the picture" he says while glancing at you.

Your eyes go wide and you shake your head " gotta be lying...that's not true! It's not possible!" You shouted at him as you hold a hand over your heart not believing a word of it.

"I can feel my heart beat, I can breathe! How would I be a Android?!"

"(Y/n) are you okay?" Hank asked you as he gets closer but you back away holding your arms trying to make sense of this new information.

"Don't believe me? Have a look" Kamski walks over to you and holds a finger over your right temple.

Immediately you see your skin disappearing leaving only a plastic shiny white where your (s/c) skin used to be."Oh my god..." you hear Hank mutter in disbelief.

You look down at your hands shaking your head in disbelief " can't be..." you croaked as a lump forms in your throat and ran over to the pool.

You look down into the water to see your reflection and instead of seeing your skin and (h/c) hair and your familiar face you instead see shiny plastic white and and blue covering your head and neck.

You scream out loud in shock touching your face expecting to feel soft human skin instead of hard plastic.

You hold your mouth in shock shaking your head in disbelief as tears streamed down your face you grasp onto your clothes tightly muttering "Please let this be a dream...I'm alive..." Your voice cracked as you stared down at the water into your familiar (e/c) eyes but unable to recognize yourself.

You felt like you were staring at a completely different person.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way my dear, but it's better you found out now instead of later" Kamski tells you with sympathy.

You stand up from the ground but your eyes don't leave your feet as your shoulders hunched and you hold your arms to comfort yourself.

You don't want to look Connor or Hank in the eyes a feeling of shame built inside of you as you look at the ground trying to hold back your emotions.

"C'mon (Y/n), let's get you out of here" Hank tells you as he starts to walk towards you.

Kamski stops him then reactivated your skin by pressing your temple once more.
He proceeds to have Connor point the gun at you once again but this time you don't even look up from your feet despair washing over you as you look at your (s/c) hands sadly.

"Connor shoot this android and I will tell you all I know,or spare it. What's more important to you? Your mission or this android that was once a human?" Kamski asks as he walks over to you once again and activating your skin.

"Connor don't, let's get out of here" Hank called as he steps closer.

"This android is technically a deviant, should it not mean anything to you if it's truly not alive. Follow your program unless...your attached to it?" Kamski pressed further to Connor.

"Connot don't shoot!" Hank barked.

"Make your choice Connor. Are you a obedient machine or a living being endowed with free will?"

Connor stands in front of you with the gun in front of your head.
Part of you waited for the bullet to fly you look up from the floor making eye contact with Connor's brown ocean like eyes with your pained teary (e/c) ones.

Conflicted Connor sighed stress on his face as his LED glowed from red to yellow as he hands the gun back to Kamski.

"Fascinating. Cyberlife's last chance to save itself a deviant..." Kamski stated in awe.

"I'm not a deviant..." Connor replied sternly denying the claim.
"You preferred to spare the life of this android then accomplish your mission" Kamski retorted and walks around you as you keep your eyes away from Connor.

"You saw a living being in this android. You showed empathy" Kamski explains to Connor.

You sniffle a bit looking up at Kamski with a glare you tell him "I am Alive. I may be a android, but the heart of a human is within me and I'm not a machine. I. Am. (Y/n)." You look up glaring him in the eyes hissing your words with venom standing your ground but your become overwhelmed with emotions you ran out of the room.

"(Y/n)!" You hear Hank call out to you from behind but you keep running until you are outside.

You run over to your car not hesitating to jump in and star up the engine driving off and away from Kamski's villa.


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