Chapter 23: Infiltration

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Song Quote: Natural
"That's the price you pay
Leave behind your heartache, cast away.
Just another product of today
Rather be the hunter than the prey
And you're standing on the edge, face up 'cause you're a Natural A beating heart of stoneYou gotta be so cold To make it in this world"


It's been a entire day and you haven't gotten ahold of Connor at all and the day has gone to dusk.

While trying to get ahold of Connor you tried to make a plan for how your going to get yourself into the Cyberlife tower.

The plan was very made half assed but your going to make it up and change it as you go along.

You haven't heard from Hank in a while but you decide not to tell him what's going on with you and Connor to protect him in case things go downhill.

It was getting late and you needed to get going since it will take a while to get to Cyberlife Tower.

You grabbed your gun loading it with ammo and sticking it into your pocket throwing on your warmest jacket and your satchel around your shoulder.

You turned towards Teddy who sat down wondering what your doing you kneel down and pet him muttering "I'm gonna keep him safe. We'll both be home soon, I love you" You kissed the small golden puppy on the head before leaving him in his soft plush bed.

You leave your home and decide to take the bus to your new destination.


You get off the bus and head towards the Cyberlife supply building plant.
You see workers loading up boxes into a truck that will be heading to Cyberlife in 15 minutes.

While coming up with a plan you researched what transportation methods are getting in and out of Cyberlife and this one happened to be one of them.

You hopped the fence making sure to not get spotted by any cameras and you entered the delivery truck without anyone spotting you.

You made it to the back of the truck and hid behind a huge box full of android parts making yourself unseen.

You heard the door close and the truck start up with a vibrating rumble from beneath you.

You felt vibrations from under you as the truck drove and you sat in the dark with the cargo thinking to yourself.

"What would life be like once this is all over?" You thought to yourself unsure of the answer and that's the part that scared you.

You sat in the darkness listening to the delivery guy singing along to his mixtape and surprisingly he was hitting all the high notes.
You waited for the truck to stop at your new destination.


You felt the truck stop and the back door open shining light into the small space.
As you got yourself ready to sneak past the people you felt a presence next to you.

"What the hell are you doing?" The guy that drove the truck asked you with a tired and uncaring demeanor.

You sat there dumbly unsure how to respond "I needed to get into Cyberlife, Please dont call the guard" You pleaded to him trying to keep quiet.

He shrugged "you know what? I'm too lazy for this shit. Get outta here and don't tell anyone I saw you" He dismissed you and walked away while lighting a cigarette.

You smiled a bit surprised but exited the truck you told the guy as you turned to leave "Nice singing by the way" You ran away and headed towards the main building.

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