Chapter 30: Christmas Together

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Song Quote: Christmas Lights
"Like some drunken Elvis singing I go singing out of tune Saying how I always loved you darling And I always will Oh, when you're still waiting for the snow to fall Doesn't really feel like Christmas at all Still waiting for the snow to fall It doesn't really feel like Christmas at all Those Christmas lights Light up the street Down where the sea and city meet May all your troubles soon be gone Oh, Christmas lights, keep shining on"

"(Y/n) why do you still buy soap and bathe when you don't need to?" Connor asked while he was unloading the bags of goods you bought at the store.

"Why not? I like to smell good" You retoryed as you put some thirium bottles away into the medicine cabinet.
Connor didn't reply thinking to himself in thought as he continued helping you put away the contents of the bags.


Later on when you came into the house after taking Teddy outside to run around in the grass while you played on your phone watching the pup you see Connor step out of the bathroom wearing a black shirt and some jeans but his hair was wet and messy.

"Why is your hair wet?" You asked curiously as you grabbed the towel that hung loosely in his hand.

"I was curious of why you like to take showers so I tried it out" he explained while running a hand through the strands of his hair pushing it out of his face.

"Geez c'mere your soaked...." you grabbed his hand and dragged him to the living room and sat him on the floor as you sat on the couch above him.

"What are you doing?" He asked but his voice was muffled when you placed the towel onto his head drying the hair.

"You gotta dry your hair dude" You explained as you ran a hand through his hair to see if it's still wet.

You caught a familiar scent and you leaned down to smell his hair and to your surprise he didnt flinch at the contact.

You smelled sweet strawberries radiating off him. "Did you use my strawberry soap?" You asked him confused.

He nodded adding "It smelled sweet but it doesn't taste sweet..." he trailed off quietly seeming embarrassed.

"No worries, next time we go shopping do you want to pick out your own soap?" You asked him as you got up from the couch to hand him a brush to fix his hair.

"I'd love to" he smiled as he brushed his hair not breaking contact with you.

You sat on the opposite couch watching him brush his hair then proceeding to brush Teddy.


Later on you look over to the front door where Connor stood now in a blue button up shirt putting on his winter coat.

"Where are you going?" You asked curiously putting your phone down as you watched the android.

"I'm heading out with Hank for a while I'll be back soon" He replies smiling at you as he wraps a scarf around his neck but it looked like it was about to fall off.

"Hold on" you tell him as you get up and stood in front of him.

You grabbed the scarf and fixed it tying it snug around his neck.
You fixed his collar looking him up in the eyes smiling gently at him "Stay warm see you later."

He nodded but you noticed his LED flicker a second as a light flush come across his face but quickly went away.
"Yeah... see you" he nods as he heads out the front door and head towards Hanks car that was in the driveway.


A hour or two passed and you get a random call from Hank.
"What's up?" You asked holding your phone to you ear.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 ||DBH Connor x Reader||✔Where stories live. Discover now