Chapter 26:Just The Beginning

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Song Quote: New Soul
"I'm a new soul, I came to this strange world Hoping I could learn a bit 'bout how to give and take But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear Finding myself making every possible mistake"

Lately you have been trying to get your new life together with the whole aftermath of the android revolution and all that complicated mess.

You and Connor managed to buy a house and moved in just You, Connor and of course Teddy.
You told Connor he could move in with Hank if he wants but he said he'd rather stay with you so you which you had no objections to.

On the news Markus has been trying to discuss affairs between Humans and androids with the president and congress we will see how that works out eventually.

Everyone has been trying to adjust to the androids walking amongst us, for most people have been very supportive of the androids but of course there are still those toxic people with hate in their hearts.

"Good morning Connor" You greeted the android that wore a black sweater and jeans sitting down on the couch playing with Teddy.

"Good morning Detective" He looked up at you with a bright smile on his face.
You walked over to the fridge and poured yourself something to drink and scratched your head roughly Connor asked "Do you have work again today?" You nod to him "Yeah, Hank and I are probably gonna go on patrol or get assigned a new case, hopefully the latter" you replied as you took another sip of some orange juice.

"Oh..." he trailed off looking away making you raise a eyebrow "What's wrong?" You asked tilting your head at him. "Nothing, just that I might be bored while your gone..." He replied quietly as he petted Teddy.

"What do you normally do when I'm at work?" You questioned him "Wait for you to get back..." He muttered quietly turning his head away from you.

Smirking you walk over and pat him on the back "Don't worry Bud, once Markus is able to convince the humans to allow androids to work for a paycheck then you could join Hank and I again" You told him the truth.

"I know but-" he starts but you interrupted "But nothing chin up man, it will all work out" you smiled walking off and heading to your room but peak your head out and tell him "If we are going on patrol then I'll come back and bring you along" You wink at him before heading back into your room to get ready for work.

After getting ready for work you walk towards the front door grabbing your keys you turn to the android that stood behind you holding out your jacket for you.

You thanked him as you put your jacket on and telling him "I bought some stuff for you, they're in your room" You tell him and turn to leave "I'll see you later" you close the door and lock it.


After arriving at work you see Hank has already arrived earlier than you which is a shock for most.

"Hey Hank" You greet him as you sit down at the desk across from him. "Hey (Y/n)" he replies as he looks over some files as sips some coffee.

"Left Connor at home again?" He asks you and you nod as you scrolled over some files on your computer "Yeah, too bad other androids can't work right now I wish they'd just allow them to be paid already" You told him.

"You know how shitty the government can be" he replies chuckling "it takes forever to get something approved" he adds in.

"I know but still" you reply putting your point across.

"Aww...looks like We're on patrol today (Y/n)" Hank tells you as he grabs his keys and gets up to leave.

"You got a email?" You asked him as you got up and followed behind.
"Yup let's go" he replies as you both exit the building and get into his car.

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