Chapter 46: Taken

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Song Quote: The Wolf
"Each and every day Hiding from the sunshine Wandering in the shade Not too old Not too young Every night again Dancing with the moonlight
Somewhere far away I can hear your call I'm out of my head Of my heart, and my mind Cause you can run But you can't hide I'm gonna make you mine"

Something about today seems off.

Teddy has been very quiet as if he can tell something is wrong.
Something in the back of your mind felt like today in particular was off.

You were watching TV with Connor and Conan spending time together.
Conan in particular was his normal self and has become a trustworthy friend of yours.
Heck, even Teddy has taken a liking to Conan.

You heard a knock on the door which was odd since no one ever visits your home except for Hank.

Connor gets up and goes to the front door
You get up and peak out the window.
If you had a heart it would be frantic for you saw guards and people sent by Cyberlife outside your residence.

Connor was about to open the door but you ran over and stopped him.
He looked at you in question until you pointed to the peephole.

Connor leaned forward and looked through the peephole.
"What should we do?" You asked the android as Conan stood up with a worried look on his face.

"We'll handle this, go hide with Teddy and call Hank" Connor held your shoulders struggling to keep a calm persona.

"Connor don't we should run" You pleaded as Connor dragged you to your shared bedroom.
He pushed Teddy in your hands and locked the door.

"Connor Rk800 #313 248 317 - 51 Anderson you get your ass back here!" You called as his footsteps faded away.

You hid Teddy in your closet underneath a pile of clothes and grabbed your phone to make a call.
You grabbed your personal gun in case.
"C'mon Hank pick up!" You whisper yelled as you climbed underneath the bed to hide.

The phone was ringing in your ear and you heard Connor and Conan talking to someone at the door.

"Yellow?" Hank answered the phone and you gasped "Hank! Cyberlife agents and guards are at our home! I don't know what to do!" You whisper yelled into the phone.

Just then you heard yelling and fighting outside making you more nervouse.
"Where's Connor?" Hank questioned his voice now low and serious.

"He went to go confront them" You informed the lieutenant.
"Fucking idiot!" You heard Hank curse under his breath "I'll be there as fast as I can" He told you and the call ended.

The fighting has stopped and the house was eerily quiet.
Teddy stopped clawing at the closet door out of fear, something is definitely wrong.

You heard quiet unfamiliar voices echo throughout the house which made you think the worse has happened.

The silence was agonizing for you all alone underneath your bed you hoped this was all just a bad simulation and you would wake up with Connor right next to you in bed.

The air was stiff right before the door to your bedroom was kicked open breaking the lock.

You saw footsteps walk around the bed inches away from your face.
You saw Connor and Conan's feet in the room and you sighed in relief to see they were okay.

As if someone heard your sigh you felt a arm grab your leg from underneath the bed and drag you out from underneath.

You layed on the ground and looked up to see Connor the one you love.
Except now something was different about him.
His brown eyes were cold and hollow, a void replacing the once bright android.

Agents grabbed you and picked you up with ease.
You fought in their grip firing your gun hitting some, missing more.

"Connor! Conan! Please!" You pleaded meeting their empty eyes as they stared back at you.

Conan took one of your hands while Connor took the other.
Hands turning to a white plastic as they transferred data to your system.

Your vision went white as your body went limp.
You found yourself in a snowy zen garden of your own and Amanda was standing there ready to greet you.

"Miss (L/n) you are to be taken to Cyberlife and disassembled to be studied" Amands informed you in a harsh tone.

"You fucking bitch!" You roared running towards her jumping up to pounce at her but she fazed through you.

You landed on the ground with a thud and she turned to look at you "We are taking control and now the RK900 has completed its mission according to schedule" She stated in a harsh tone before disappearing leaving you on the cold snow floor.

"We were so happy before" You whispered into your hands as you pounded the ground in anger.


You opened your eyes and found yourself at what you assumed to be Cyberlife.
The room around you had blank white walls and a tray of tools sat next to you.
You were strapped to a white table with metal cuffs around your arms and legs.

"I've never seen a lemon but I know something like this has been in one" You huffed squirming around in your bindings.

"You are to be taken apart to be studied so we could mass produce your model for many customers to be immortalized" Amanda's voice rang in your head.

"How about fucking bite me bitch that's sick" You spat just as the door opened.

The door opened to reveal Conan standing there "Brilliant job RK900 on your mission now go join your predecessor for the uploading of memories" Amanda's voice echoed in both of your heads.

"Very well Amanda" Conan bowed in a cold voice.
"Conan wait!" You yelled for the android to stop.

"Was this all a act?!" You yelled hurt and heartbreak in your voice.

"It was apart of my mission yes" He nodded "I always accomplish my mission" he started to walk away ignoring your pleas.

"I thought of you as a friend Conan! You're more than this!" You yelled pleading to him as he kept his back turned.

His shoulders slouched in guilt as his LED was flickering red, yellow and slight pink.
The door closed behind him as you yelled "Conan!"

You looked down at your feet in shame and heartbreak "Don't take it personally Miss (L/n) he is just a android following orders" Amanda told you her annoying voice ringing in your ears.

"Do you ever shut up?" You hissed in a low and angry voice.

You sulked staring down at the white tiled floor for who knows how long.
They were gonna do who knows what to Connor and you can't do anything about it.

The door opened but you didn't look up.
You knew it was just a scientist talked with taking you apart for study.

"(Y/n) why are you here?" Your eyes widened as you recognized the voice.
You flipped your head up in utter shock and lost of words.

"You..." the word slipped out and you stammered too much in shock.

"You shouldn't be here either!" You yelled at the person in front of you.
"You should be dead!" You cried out not allowing any tears to fall.

"Or so they thought" The man replied with a sad chuckle.
"I am just a mad father aren't I?" He questioned pulling a mask over his face.

The man in front of you was your supposedly dead father living and breathing right before you


Nice chapter to set a tone who's ready for some edge!?

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