Chapter 4: Deviants On The Run

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Song Quote: Prey
"You'll never know what they might do if they catch you too early.
We need to fly ourselves before someone else tells us how
Something is off, I feel like prey, I feel like praying"

You arrive in a area that aparently a deviant was spotted.
On the way to the scene Connor informed you about the case and the current information that they possess.

Hank stops the car and all three of you exit the vehicle.
"Stay right here" Hank instructs you and Connor to stand by the car as he talks to a police officer.
You stand next to Connor gazing at the area around you.
"If the deviant ran away from its owner then most likely it would hide out somewhere until it can make a plan..." you thought to yourself.

You look at Connor "If deviants can somehow feel emotions how do they?" You thought to yourself in wonder still new on the concept of Androids.

Hank walks back over to you two looking at a tablet Connor speaks out loud "It took the first bus that came along...and stayed at the end of the line. Its decision wasn't planned, it was driven by fear" Connor pointed out his observation.

Hank scoffs "Androids don't feel fear".

"Deviants do" Connor interjected.

"They get overwhelmed by their emotions and make irrational decisions" Connor added in smoothly.
"That sounds like something anybody would do" you state your thoughts audibly.
"Ah well, that still doesn't tell us where it went" Hank replied allowing Connor to add "It didn't have a plan,and it had nowhere to go. Maybe it didn't go far...." Connor concludes glancing around.

"Are you sure it was alone though? It could have stopped somewhere nearby because they were traveling with a companion" you state an idea and continuing "Didn't you guys check the CCTV? I think the android was traveling with a little girl" you state pointing over to the police officers that were going over the CCTV tape.

"The android could be resting somewhere because it was taking care of its companion" You concluded your thoughts.

"You might be onto something" Hank mutters and walks off.

After looking around the area Connor found a abandoned house he raised his voice to call out "Is anybody home?"
You think to yourself as he inspects the fence "If they are home they sure ass hell ain't gonna answer you" you sigh following the android.

"Theres blue blood on the fence" Connor stated "I know another Android was here" Connor then gets up and looks around the house exterior for any clues.

He makes his way to the front door and you both peep through a window and spotting a android inside.
Connor glances at you nodding and proceeds to go up to the front door making sure you stay behind him.

Quietly he turns the doorknob and walks inside of the broken down building.

Entering the house you get a better look at the android and you see he's been through some shit.
His face was dirty on one side and the other side appeared badly damaged with blue blood seeping out of the cracke and you could see one of his eyes are stained a blackish blue color.

"Who did that to him...?" You thought feeling sorry for what torture that android been through. It may be just a android but nobody wants to be mistreated.

Connor walks up to the android and you stay behind watching the surrounding area in case someone attacks.
Connor proceeded to ask the android some questions and after each one, the androids disposition changed to more and more nervous and frightened standing there visibly twitching with his LED flowing through different colors as if his thoughts are conflicting.

Connor finishes his questions and looks at you then proceeds to examine the room. You decide to try to ease this tense atmosphere, You walk slowly up to the twitchy android. "What's your name?" You ask gently looking the android in the eyes and giving it some personal space.
"R-ralph..." He responds hesitating and you give him a gentle friendly smile "I'm (Y/n), Nice to meet you"

Your interrupted when after some snooping around Connor found the deviant he are looking for.
Ralph then runs over grabbing Connor and holding him trying to keep him busy yelling "Run! Quick Kara!" Instantly Connor looks at you yelling "Go tell Hank! We found it!" You nod making eye contact with the female Deviant then quickly run out the door opening it frantically yelling to Hank. "Hank we found it Call it in!"

Without waiting for Hank's response you turn on your heel and run back to the house only to catch a glimpse of Conner running out the back door leaving a nervous looking Ralph behind.

You make eye contact with Ralph as you run out the back door running after Connor.

You hop the fence quickly sprinting after Connors trail only to take a swift turn to the right you come to a stop at a fence in front of the highway.

Your eyes meet with Kara only seeing a fire burning in her a fire for what exactly? Freedom? Or fear? You look at the kid that's with her and you realise why she's doing protect her child.

You see a cop aim his gun at her and you reach a arm out to him pleading to the officer "Please Don't shoot!" Which causes him to lower his gun.
You turn your head back watch as the duo start slide down a small slope and start crossing the highway carefully as to not get hit by the oncoming cars.

Your heart clenched as you watched them cross the road, dodging each car that came to pass you hoped that they would make it to the other side.

You hear Hank run up to the fence panting "Oh fuck, that's insane..." he pants heavily as he watches two girls running across the highway.
They made it to the middle of the highway and you start to feel the rain start to pour in but you ignore it allowing it to soak your clothes.

You glance over at Connor who's putting his foot up grabbing onto the fence ready to climb up and over. Your eyes widen and you grab his waist struggling to pull him back down "what the hell do you think your doing?!" You shout at him "I can't let them get away" he answers urgency in his voice as his eyes are stuck on the target.
"They won't, They'll never make it to the other side" Hank dismisses it as he watched.

"I can't take that chance" Connor argued urgently and tried to pull himself up on the fence but you hold onto him tightly in your grip trying to pull himself down "Your gonna get yourself destroyed dammit!" You plead with him not to go as you pull him back down again.

"Do NOT go after 'em Connor, that's an order!" Hank barked as you let go of his waist but put your hand on the androids shoulder keeping him from going as if he might run off any second.

After a second of thinking Connor stays in place causing you to let out a small sigh of relief.

Your body tensed and your breath hitched when watching the two females cross the last side of the highway. Your hand was in a fist at your side and it clenched even harder when the little girl fell and a car almost ran her over.

You finally let out a full sigh of complete relief when you watch the two make it to the other side.
You see the Android and the little girl hug eachother closely and your heart warmed upon seeing the interaction.

You don't notice Hank walk away with Connor right behind him as you are staring out at the highway.
"Maybe these androids really can feel huh? Or maybe I'm just too compassionate?" you think to yourself.

"(Y/n) what are you doing? C'mon" You perk up when you hear Hank call to you breaking you from your thoughts.
You look at them and respond catching up to them "Coming..." You follow behind quietly.

You all gather in the car your sitting in the front and Connor sits in the back and Hank is the driver.


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