Chapter 27: Like A Father

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Song Quote: Daddy Issues
"Go ahead and cry little girl
Nobody does it like you do I know how much it matters to you I know that you got daddy issues And if you were my little girl I'd do whatever I could do"

You walked through the front door of the house and Teddy came running towards the front door his paws sliding on the wooden floors.

"Hey there buddy, how have you been today?" Connor greeted the puppy as he bent down to pick him up in a small hug. Teddy excitedly gave Connor little kisses on the cheek.

"Look,There's your Mommy" Connor joked as he carried Teddy over to you allowing the puppy to kiss your cheek happily.
"Good to see you too buddy" You smiled petting the puppy on the head lovingly.

Connor carried Teddy to the kitchen to feed the puppy while you left to your office to put your work stuff away.

"Are you going to work late tonight?" Connor asked when he peaked his head into the room curiously.
"Yeah I figured I'd update my computer with the latest files and documents" You tell him as you booted up your small hologram like tablet.

"How do you think Hank is doing right now?" Connor asked you curiously and you shrug looking at him "He seems to be better thanks to you. Doesn't seem as grumpy as before" You told him.

"Do you think he's out drinking tonight?" He asked you. You shrugged "Maybe, but he is a grown man he could take care of himself" you scanned over your tablet updating the files before turning it off.

"What are you gonna do tonight?" You asked the android. He replies "I'll probably do some light reading or watch some Tv" He says bluntly.

"Alright sure, just don't be looking at certain things online" You joked at him chuckling to yourself while he stared at you confused tilting his head.

He left the room and you could hear from the living room the Tv in the background as well as Connor playing with Teddy from the sound of a toy squeaking.

Smiling to yourself you started sorting through papers and documents organizing them all as well as writing that apology letter for helping Connor with finding Jericho and messing with evidence.

It was either write a apology letter or get demoted and potentially lose your job so here you are sadly.

After a while of staring down at the paper and signing your name you sighed deeply and put it aside and rested your forehead on the cool surface of your desk closing your eyes.

"5 minutes..." you muttered to yourself as you gave into the darkness.


You don't know how much time passed but you woke up to the feeling of a blanket being draped around your shoulders and movement around your desk.

Rising your head abruptly, you stared right at Connor who stood frozen startled by your actions he simply says while holding a cup in his hand "I brought you some almond milk for your headache..."

"Oh..." you trailed off eyeing the cup as he places it into your hands and you take it from him and take a sip.
"Thank you..." You said looking at him as he stood there awkwardly.

"Hey Connor I've been wondering, Now that your a deviant has there been anything you wanted to do?" You questioned wanting to do something for him since he has been a big help to you ever since you woke up from that cryostasis pod.

He looked down in thought and you see his LED change from blue to yellow as he thinks carefully of what to say.
"I don't know exactly..." he looks down thinking.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 ||DBH Connor x Reader||✔Where stories live. Discover now