Chapter 14: Disaster Avoided

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Song Quote: Pumped Up Kicks
"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks You'd better run better run out run my gun"

After walking up to the roof you see some people investigating but you pay them no mind.

You see splatters of blue blood that lead around like a trail.
Curiosity led you to follow the trail leading you across the rooftop.

"Is the deviant still here and wounded?" You wondered as you followed the trail.

You stop in front of a storage door where the blood ends.

You knock softly on the door so as to not make a lot of noise.
You hear no answer but you decide to speak quietly "I know your in there, I'm not going to turn you into the police" You tell the door speaking calmly and friendly.

Slowly the door cracks and you only see a bright blue eye.
"Your helping me?" He asked quietly and you nod kneeling by the door.

"I saw the blood are you injured?" You asked tilting your head.
"Yeah I got shot earlier when I was leaving with my friends" He answers.

"Here I have some blue blood" You tell him as you take a packet of blue blood from your satchel handing it to him.

"Just lay low until everyone leaves then escape. I'll lie saying I didn't find anything" You inform him as you keep looking around making sure you dont get spotted.

"Why are you helping me?" He asks suspiciously and you see him clutching onto something.

"Well I dont know a lot about androids but from what I've seen you guys look like your not different from humans so why not?" You shrug then get up to leave but the door opens more and he grabs your hand.

"What's your name?" He asks his bright blue eyes staring up at you.
"I'm (Y/n), what's yours?" You ask him.

"S-simon, I'm Simon" he tells you taking his arm away from yours.

"Well Simon, hope you get back to your friends and we should meet again under different conditions" You smile at him before running away.

You glance out of the corner of your eye seeing the deviant slowly and quietly get back into his hiding spot.

You head back down the stairs and still see Hank standing by himself so you decide to go talk to him again.

"Did you find anything on the roof?" He turns to you.
You shake your head "Nope, looks like all the deviants got away" you lied.

"Oh well..." Hank mutters as he takes a flask out from his coat and you see the words 'fuck my liver' on the side of it as he takes a sip of it.

"Can I have a sip?" You ask and Hank moves it away from you "Your underage, you can't drink" He grumbles.

"I'm 40 years old chronologically so that means I should be able to drink" You tell him and he shakes his head "Nope your still a kid and plus you can't handle the taste of whiskey" he tells you as he takes another sip.
"Bet" you state staring at him with a unwavering look.
He stares back at you "Bet" you smirk at him replying "Bet" he sighs handing the flask to you stating "You can't handle it"

"Watch me" you smirk at him as you take a sip of the flask.

You immediately regretted your decision.

Your mouth burned from the alcohol and you wanted to spit it out but you didnt want to make a mess so you forced yourself to swallow it causing your throat to burn.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 ||DBH Connor x Reader||✔Where stories live. Discover now