Chapter 32: Following The Blood Trail

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Song Quote: Blue Lips Blue Veins
"He took a step but then felt tired
He said, I'll rest a little while
But when he tried to walk again He wasn't a child And all the people hurried past Real fast and no one ever smiled. Blue lips,Blue veins Blue, the color of the planet from far, far away"

It was late at night immediately after Connor got the call you both hopped into your car driving to the crime scene.

"I'm guessing another victim is a android?" You asked Connor who sat next to you.
"Yeah but Hank was very vague on the phone just saying we should come and be prepared for what we're about to see" Connor replied a bit of worry in his voice.

"Wow that doesn't sound alarming" You sighed taking a sharp turn at the light in front of the victims apartment building.

You both got out of the parked car and saw Hank talking with Officer Miller.
"Finally your here" Hank greeted when he turned around to see you both.

"Who's the victim?" Connor asked the Lieutenant abruptly.
"More like victims or what's left of one of them..." Hank said muttering the last part with discomfort on his face.

"One is a female android and the other is human" Hank added in glancing at the confusion on both of your faces he gestures for you both to follow.

"Better for you both to see" He sighed showing you and Connor the way to the crime scene.
"Who discovered the crime scene?" You questioned curiously.
"Eh just the landlord coming for rent but when he came it was already like this" he replied staring ahead.
Silently the three of you head inside of the small apartment.

You walked into the main room of the apartment to see furniture thrown around in a struggle.
You tried using your scanning module and you scanned that the killer had busted through a window that had a metal staircase outside.

You look over to see the words "They killed her" written in red blood on the wall above the female androids body.

Connor stepped up to the female android to analyze her. After a moment he turns to you and Hank "This android can be reactivated,The thirium pump was ripped out" he says.

"I'll go look and see if it's still around here" Hank replied turning on his heel to look around.

You got a look at the androids face and it looked like a WR400 Traci model, the ones you would see at the Eden club.
You scanned the android and found her ID code and was named April.

"It's obvious the killer went easy on her compared to his other victims.But why?" You asked aloud as you bent down to put the android in a upright position.

Connor stayed silent but instead got up to look around.
You caught a whiff of something nasty nearby and you unconsciously knew what it was.

You looked over and saw a large blood trail that extended from the front door towards the bathroom.
Hesitantly you walked into the room.
You stared straight forward at a sink that seemed normal except for the mirror that had another bloody message saying "He deserved it"
You saw the blood trail extended further turning to the right and you looked over to see a human body in the bathtub.

The body sat in a pool of its blood but it was ripped open and shown deep cuts and his stomach ripped open exposing his entrails with obvious torture before death.

It was a male but he was unidentifiable due to his head being chopped off leaving only the neck.
Feeling your inside churn a bit you take a step back bumping into Connor who stood behind you.
You yelped a bit surprised when he covers your eyes guiding you from the room saying "Don't look at it for too long" Once he takes you far enough from the bathroom he leaves you in the company of Hank before going back to the room.

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