Chapter 21: Caught In The Crossfire

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Song Quote: Battlefield
"Meet me on the battlefield
Even on the darkest night
I will be your sword and shield Your camouflage and you will be mine
Echos of the shots ring out
We may be the first to fall
Everything will stay the same Or we could change it all"

"Its time to decide..." Markus's voice echoed throughout the room.

Connor's Pov:

Shoot (Y/n) and stop Markus

This message popped up in my mind it was my current objective but it felt wrong.

I didn't want to shoot (Y/n)! I just don't want to, But I have to follow my instructions.

This all feels wrong. What am I even doing?

Become a Deviant or remain a machine?

This message floated around in my mind uncertainty filled my mind as I stared ahead at the other androids in front of me.

I closed my eyes as I make my choice.

I see a red cyber wall in front of me showing the message Shoot (Y/n) and Stop Markus around it that only I can see and in my head I run towards it clawing at the wall breaking bits off.

I pushed towards another part of the cyber wall ripping it away pixel by pixel demolishing the wall that controls me.

I break through the wall and watch each cyber pixel shatter and become nothing.

I refocus myself towards (Y/n) and Markus no longer seeing the barrier that separates us.

I'm free now.

I am a Deviant.

Your Pov:
Connor takes a deep breath and lowers his gun "I won't shoot you (Y/n)" he relaxes his gun a but his realization washes over his features, a look uncertainty and fear.

"They're going to attack Jericho..." He tells both you and Markus.

"What?" Markus asks as you heard noises coming from outside.

"We have to get out of here!" Connor shouts at you both.

"Shit..." Markus mutters under his breath and takes off sprinting out the door.
You and Connor look at eachother before following behind the leader.

As you run out into the snow you look up to see airships in the sky surrounding the place.

You run behind Markus and Connor but stop when you hear gun shots "They're coming from all sides! Our people are trapped in the hold, they're going to be slaughtered!" North shouted urgency in her voice.

You see Markus hold a finger up to his temple as he informs all the androids of how to escape.

He then asks North "Where's Simon and Josh?" She shakes her head "I don't know, we got separated" she replies.

"They're coming from the upper deck now too, We'll be caught in the crossfire!" Markus stated "We have to run Markus! There's nothing we can do!" She urges him.

"We have to blow up Jericho. If the ship goes down, they'll evacuate and our people can escape!" Markus tells her as he gets ready to leave.

"You'll never make it! The explosives are all the way down in the hold, there are soldiers everywhere!" She argues not wanting Markus to go.

"She's right" Connor interjects adding "They know who you are, They'll do anything to get you!" He argues looking at Markus.

"Go and help the others, I'll join you later" Markus tells your group before turning to leave.

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