Chapter 37: Reflections

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Song Quote: House Of Memories
"If you're a lover, you should know
The lonely moments just get lonelier
The longer you're in love Than if you were alone Memories turn into daydreams become a taboo I don't want to be afraid The deeper that I go
It takes my breath away Soft hearts electric souls Heart to heart and eyes to eyes"

Connor's Pov:
"Who are you...?" (Y/n) croaked out looking straight into my eyes with confusion.

I nervously chuckled "(Y/n) you don't remember me? I'm Connor" I explained and she shook her head.

"How do you know me? Where are my parents?" She asked looking around the room that must have been unfamiliar to her.

Hank and I exchanged glances as we both refused to answer her but Hank sat Teddy onto the bed as the puppy ran to her wagging his tail.

"Who's this little guy? Is he your dog? he's so cute" She smiled as Teddy licked her face his tail wagging happily. She giggled as he kissed her face endlessly.

My heart ached as I watched she truly didn't remember any of us. It's like she's physically here but the real her is dead and that thought stabbed me hard in the chest.

Hank pulled me aside outside her room I looked at him sadness on my face. He hugged me close rubbing my back "I guess we could get used to this and maybe her memory will come back over time..." He said as I leaned into the hug.

I looked down at my hands in thought when a idea came to my mind.
I pushed Hank off of me and stormed back into her room with him behind me "What are you doing?" He asked as I sat beside her beside again.

"I'm not letting her go" I replied looking at him and then to her as she stared at me with confusion.

I revealed my white shiny android hands and put my left hand to her temple and the other held her hand.

We both closed her eyes as my vision faded to white.

"I know she's in there..."


I stood in a blank white room with my reflection below me.
I looked around at the walls as they all pulled up images and videos that I do not recognize.

I walked up to one of the panels on the wall and first it showed my reflection.

I stared back at my reflection checking myself out and fixing my tie before the panel switched and showed a young girl with her parents.


Each panel that appeared before me showed the same little girl growing up and living with her parents.
Each little important memory popped up in a flash of a image but I somehow was able to process it.

When the panel showed the girl in her teenage years was when I realized that this was (Y/n).


I backed away from the panel thinking to myself "I shouldn't be looking through her memories I just want to return them to her..." I looked over and saw another panel light up beckoning me to it.

"(Y/n) how was work?" The girls mom asked as she walked into the small home.

"It was alright, tiring mostly" she shrugged as she face planted into the couch.
"(Y/n)" her father called as he entered the livingroom.

"What?" She groaned annoyed but her voice was muffled by the couch.
"Would you be interested in volunteering for the Biolife Cryogenesis program that I'm working on?" He asked hesitantly.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 ||DBH Connor x Reader||✔Where stories live. Discover now