Chapter 34: Closing In On The Target

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Song Quote: My Demons
"I cannot stop this sickness taking over It takes control and drags me into nowhere I need your help, I can't fight this forever I know you're watching, I can feel you out there"

"Hey Hank how was your New years?" You asked the Lieutenant when you walked up to your desk with Connor behind you.

"It was alright I've been working on the case trying to not reflect on my self loathing from last year but good" He replied smirking as he held up a piece of paper "I also got us a lead" He smirked proudly.

"But side note what's up with you two? Something is different" Hank pointed out shifting the subject for a moment.

"(Y/n) and I are dating..."Connor admitted looking away bashfully.

"Ha Finally it happened! I'm gonna drink to that" Hank smiled happily taking out his flask to take a sip.

"You knew?" You asked confused.

"Of course I had to give you both a little push once in a while but this was all your own doing..." He smirked leaning back taking a sip of his drink.

"Why though? Didn't take you for a shipper" You stated leaning on your desk staring at him while Connor stood off to the side unsure of how to respond.

"I only did it because knowing you two you both wouldn't make a move until long after I'm dead" He shrugged.

"Anyways what's the lead?" Connor interjected changing the subject back to the task at hand.

Hank cleared his throat "Right yeah, So we went through some records finding who Abby was and found a man matching that one victim's description to the man Abby was with when she was alive"

"So she's dead?" You inquired.
"Yeah she was killed during the android revolution and I managed to dig up some traffic footage of the event" He replied showing you his tablet and pressing play on a video.

On the screen you see the android girl named Abby walking with a guy matching the description given from April the Traci android questioned.

Both androids were walking towards a abandoned building but on the screen you see a small group of people trailing behind them with weapons.

"There's the notorious late Justin Beaver" You pointed out when you saw the leaders face.

The camera flicks over towards a alleyway where the group of people beat down both androids onto the ground breaking Abby into many pieces of plastic as she shut down.

There was no audio but you could tell the male android was crying out in pain as he stood up fighting back against the anti android group.

Hank takes the tablet speeding it up showing you the fight when it's over.
The male android limped away from the knocked out humans. He was bloody and missing a arm and his leg was snapped in half only still attached by some wires blood covered his body, both red and blue.

He stopped looking into the camera tears streaming down his face but he looked like he was twitching as a painful smile crept onto his face as if he was smiling through his pain.

He turned from the camera walking into a old abandoned warehouse before the footage cut off.

"Where is that building?" Connor asked Hank "Downtown" he replied.
Connor nodded but takes the tablet rewatching it again you guessed he was probably scanning the details from the video to get some clues.

"He's a HR400 Traci male model named Lenny,he matches our description"

"I understand why he would kill Justin but why androids?" You asked.

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