Chapter 11: The Bridge

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Song Quote: Car Radio
"I have these thoughts, so often I ought
To replace that slot with what I once bought 'Cause somebody stole my car radio And now I just sit in silence"

After leaving the Eden Club Hank asked you if you could drive by the store.
He bought a case of beer and asked for you to take him somewhere specific.

You stopped the car hearing a low Thanks from Hank as he left the car concerned you pick up your phone checking the time it was it was past midnight midnight getting close to 1 am.
"Its late..."

You turned around to Connor who was staring deep in thought you decided to
You leave the car as well so that you decide to leave the car and Connor followed right behind you.
You walk over to Hank as he is sitting on the top part of a park bench.

You walk over to Hank standing near him but gave him space as Connor stood in front of the Lieutenant.

"Nice view huh?" Hank starts off "I used to come here a lot before..." he trails off at the last part.
You gaze out at the view of the brightly lit bridge illuminating the snowy night.

You decided to ask out of curiosity "Before?" He hums you continue "Before, You used to come here before something happened didn't you? Did something happen?" You ask him worried about the old man.

"Before...before nothin'..." he mutters and understanding what he meant you decide to leave it at that thinking it was something that you shouldn't pick at too much unless he wanted to tell you.

"Can I ask you a personal question, Lieutenant?" Asked Connor who was staring silently. Hank sighs asking sarcastically "do all androids ask so many personal questions or is it just you?"

"Why are you so determined to kill yourself?" Asked Connor and you tense up remembering that your father did that before you woke up from your cryogenic slumber.

"Somethings, I just can't forget... whatever I do, they're always there...eating away at me...I don't have the guts to pull the trigger... so I kill myself a little every day...that's probably difficult for you to understand. Huh, Connor? Nothing very rational about it" Hank expressed to both of you.

You walk up to the bench sitting down on the top part next to the Lieutenant and gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder to try to reassure him.

Interrupting the silence Connor walks in front of the bench voicing his thoughts "We're not making any progress on this investigation...The deviants have nothing in common. They're all different models produced at different times,in different places..." he trails off.

"Well there must be some link." Hank states while taking a sip of his alcohol.
"What they have in common is this obsession with rA9...Its almost like some kind of myth" Connor thinks out loud continuing "Something they invented that wasn't apart of their original program" Connor points out.

"Androids believing in God...Fuck. what's this world coming to?" Hank mutters out loud as he takes a swing of his bottle.

You stayed silent but slowly nodded as you looked at your lap.

"You seem to be preoccupied, Lieutenant" Connor stated as he turns around looking at Hank.
"Is it something to do with what happened back at the eden club?" He asked.

Hank started "Those two girls...they just wanted to be together they really love." Hank voiced thoughtfully and you agreed with him nodding your head silently.

"They can simulate human emotions.But they're machines, and machines don't feel anything" Connor explained and you shook your head "Didn't look like a simulation to me..." you told the Android.

"What about you Connor?" Hank questioned Connor as he began to stand up after taking a swig of his bottle again.
"You look human, you sound human but what are you really?" He asks as he walked toward the android.

Connor responds in a calm voice "I'm whatever you want me to be Lieutenant. Your Partner...your buddy to drink with...or just a machine... Designed to accomplish a task."

"You could have shot two girls,but you didn't" Hank mutters in a low voice as he gets closer to Connor before raising his voice a but and shoving Connor back a step but you don't intervene but rather watch closely "Why didn't you shoot Connor?" Hank hissed "Hm? Some scruples suddenly enter into your program?"

You looked at Connor and he seemed apprehensive as he answers truthfully "No...I just decided not to shoot,that's all"

"So he can make decisions that don'twork with objective huh?" You thought to yourself seeing a little bit of humanity in him.

Your heart dropped and eyes widened when suddenly Hank pulls out his gun and aims it at Connors head.
You stand up from the bench but Hank holds out a hand to tell you to stay and watch.

"But are you afraid to die,Connor?" Hank asks as the gun was held up to Connor's forehead.

"I would certainly find it regrettable to be...interrupted before I could finish this investigation." Connor replied firmly as he looked at the Lieutenant and his eyes shifting over to you quickly but averted.

"What will happen if I pull this trigger? Hm? Nothing? Oblivion? Android heaven?" Hank questioned and Connor only responds with "Nothing...There would be nothing..." he mutters as he looks out in the distance in thought.

Hank looked at him but lowered his gun and turning away grabbing a bottle from the case walking off "Where are you going?" Connor asked him "To get drunker" Hank replies "I need to think" the Lieutenant walks off leaving you and the android you hear Hank call from the distance.

"(Y/n)! Your babysitting Connor now cuz I don't wanna!"

Sorry if the reader doesn't talk much I tried to incorporate the reader as much as I could but you mostly just sit and listen to the conversation :<

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