Chapter 35: Shutdown

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Song Quote: Juliet
"I need to cry But I can't get anything out of my eyes Or my head, did I die? I need to run But I can’t get out of bed for anyone Not for you, hun My sour boy is a pain I wanna shoot him in the brain But I’d miss him in the morning It really hurts When I need to so bad but I can’t see her My Juliet, my special girl"

"Perish" He smiled as he swung his knife straight at your heart.

You perked up when you heard a gunshot and you managed to catch the knife inches from your heart with your hand instinctively halting it.

"Dont. you. dare." Connor growl at the killer anger in his voice.

Your vision became more grey and parts becoming fuzzy.
You focused your sight on Connor who stood at the end of the alleyway holding a gun but he seemed frantic as his eyes grew wide upon catching sight of you.

In a heartbeat Lenny jumped to his feet knowing he shouldn't have brought a knife to a gunfight he ran away.
Before he left Lenny looked at both you and Connor before throwing your Thirium pump hard against the wall smashing it into pieces with blue blood splattering onto the ground.

Connor ran over to you and you looked at him with shock after glancing over at your broken biocomponent.
"Go after him..." you said in a low voice as he hovered in front of you.

0:56 seconds until shutdown

"I'm not gonna leave you alone" he responded without hesitation as he took his jacket off wrapping it around you and taking a handkerchief and trying to reduce any blood loss.

"Your gonna be alright (Y/n)" he tried reassuring you as he looked around for options what to do but by the tone of his voice it looked like he was trying to convince himself that you were gonna be alright.

"Connor I don't feel so good..." You whispered in a hush voice and he took your hand reassuringly.
"It's gonna be alright (Y/n)" He said not looking you in the eye but started unbuttoning his shirt frantically.

He reached onto his chest and gripped his thirium pump but your hand instinctively touched his halting his actions he glanced at you with worry and concern.

"Connor Don't" you muttered when you saw your timer getting close to zero.
"I don't want you to shut down..." he muttered his voice cracking sadness in his eyes losing his composure.

0:27 seconds until shutdown

"You'd shut down though..." You argued your voice ringing with a robotic sound as you looked at him with sad tired eyes.

"There's tons of me back at Cyberlife tower" He replied as he was about to pull his pump out but you stopped him.

"Yes but only one of them is a deviant and that one is My Connor" you chuckled as you cupped his face with your hand staring into his eyes.

"Just wake me up after you catch that bastard..." You said but saw him slouch sadly and you added "Don't worry just imagine I'm going to sleep for a while and I'll be up very soon" you tried reassuring him.

0:10 seconds until shutdown Memories being archived

"̵̲͠ͅI̵̛͖͙̽'̷̦̫̆͋m̸̨͔̈́̑͊ ̶̛͇̣̌s̸͕̎͛̾ȍ̶͉̮̚r̴̯̜̼̓͂r̸̥͖͛͑͝ÿ̵̖́͝.̵̣͎̑̌̈́.̶̥͙̥͑̉̅.̴̡͕͙͑͋̇"̷̞̫͉̄͒̇ ̴͚̫͖̓͘ You leaned forward and hugged him a tear fell down your face as the darkness filled your vision.


Connor's Pov:

(Y/n) went limp in my arms as she hugged me I felt her arms fall to her sides.
I clutched onto her tightly emptiness enveloping me as I held her close to me refusing to look at her face.

"Connor!" I heard Hank call as he ran over to me. He must have realized what happened because he stood behind me muttering in a sad voice "No..."

"She's just sleeping..." I muttered in a dejected voice her words echoing in my mind from just moments ago. "We should go..." Hank said in a low voice and put a hand on my shoulder

I nodded as I pulled her body away from mine and Hank helped me out her on my back to carry.
We parted ways and I was left to my own thoughts as I drove home with her laying in the back seat with a calm expression as if she truly was sleeping.

I walked into the house carrying (Y/n) straight to her room and Teddy was at my heels wagging his tail in excitement.
I place her on her bed and tucked her in her eyes closed.

"Just sleeping..." I thought to myself sighing sadly.
Teddy had jumped onto the bed wagging his tail nudging (Y/n) to wake up and licking her face.

After no response he started to whine and desperately nudge her arm and he pushed himself to lay underneath her arm for comfort as he cried.
My heart ached as I watched that I pulled Teddy away and enveloped him in a big hug.

"Don't cry Teddy, She'll come back..." I muttered to the puppy trying to convince myself if that's the case.
I held him with my face in his golden coat the softness brushing against my skin as he kissed my cheek.

It's only been two hours since she shut down and a hole has already opened up in my heart like she's truly gone...
"She's gonna wake up soon...she has to..." I whispered trying to convince myself as stray of never ending tears streamed down my face.

Strange. I never cried before...why? I know she will wake up again but the look on her face and lack of her presence has made me realize that I am alone...

I wiped my face with my sleeve trying to compose myself and what (Y/n) would say is 'bottling' up my emotions but right now isn't a good time for tears we have a dangerous android to catch.

I left her bedroom with Teddy in my arms closing the door as I headed to our shared office in the home.

Teddy sat in his little dog bed watching me sort through files hypothesizing where the killer had fled off to.

I came up with a idea and ran out of the house calling Hank as I headed to the car and started driving to meet up with him.

I need to bring this killer to justice.


"What were you doing?" I asked Hank curiously as I haven't heard from him for a while and it was starting to get dark out.

"I've been at a Cyberlife store trying to find the piece (Y/n) needs and the damn clerk was eyeballing me like I was stupid" He grumbled as he followed behind me "Did you get it?" I asked.
"A pump regulator? Yeah after we catch this fucker we can go wake her up" he said and I nodded a smile bless my features.

"Where is the bastard anyways?" He asked as I stared at the graveyard across the street.

Nodding we both headed for the cemetery with our guns ready.

AN: I tried to make this chapter good (i hope ya like it)
•Don't worry this isn't the end just wanted to scare ya :>
•(Also the image above looks like Connor is crying 😢)

•Connor in this chapter reminded me of a big dog that lost his best friend

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