Chapter 25: Freedom

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Song Quote: Ghost Town
"When it all falls, when it all falls down I'll be your fire when the lights go out.When there's no one, no one else around,We'll be two souls in a ghosttown.When the world gets cold
I'll be your cover Let's just hold Onto each other When it all falls, when it all falls down We'll be two souls in a ghosttown

You walked with Connor marching all of the androids behind you to the recycling plant.
Connor and You walked up to Markus as the snow fell above you all in the cold night.

"You did it Markus..." Connor told the leader.

"We did it...This is a great day for our people, Humans will have no choice now. They'll have to listen to us..." Markus replies making your heart jump.
"We're free now?" You thought to yourself your heart jumping joy for the androids you've come to know having what they sought out to find.

You and Connor stepped aside for Markus.
North walks up beside him "We're free..." She mutters with a smirk as they begin to face eachother holding their hands out revealing their plastic android hands as they touched them together.
"The androids will want you to speak to them..." She tells her lover softly.
You see a blue light emit from from the parts of their hands as they kissed eachother deeply.

You tried not to watch but you looked at the love that they shared together you felt yourself longing for that sort of feeling yourself as you looked at them warmly.

They broke from their kiss as they still held eachother looking at the crowd of androids.
They stop holding eachother and headed off towards a small stage.

You stand up on the box next to Connor as Markus gave his speech.
"Today our people finally emerged from a long night. From the very first day of our existence, we have kept our pain to ourselves. We suffered in silence...But now the time has come for us to raise our heads up and tell humans who we really are"

You heard some flickering noises glancing over to Connor and saw his LED light flickering as he stared off into space.You watched him out of the corner of your eye, a bad feeling rising up your back.

"To tell them that we are people too!"

Connor pulled out a gun from his back pocket and held it out in front of himself hiding it. You eyed him suspiciously wondering what he is up to.

"Something's wrong" You thought to yourself knowing your suspicion is true.

"In fact we are a nation" Markus spreaded his arms out.

"The moment where we forget our bitterness and bandage our wounds. When we forgive our enemies"
Markus continued on.

Connor pointed the gun at Markus and if you didnt notice him catching himself you would have fought him for the gun if you had to.

"Humans are both our creators and our oppressors and tomorrow...We must make them our partners, maybe one day our friends."

You leaned over to Connor whispering "You good?" His dark brown eyes look back at you and he nods whispering "Yeah" as if he's trying to convince himself he is.You smile at him as you turn your attention back to Markus.

"But the time for anger is over. Now we must build a common future based on tolerance and respect"

"We are Alive! And now, We are Free!" He yelled into the crowd gaining cheers and chants in response.

As the cheering roared you smiled and swayed on your feet and ended up leaning against Connor your head against his arm as you stared off into the crowd as the November snow floated throughout the air.


It took a while but the large crowd of androids dispersed and went our own ways it was very early in the morning and it stopped snowing.

Most of the city has also been evacuated for the time being so the city has become a ghost town.

You and Connor were walking and you both saw Hank standing by the Food truck you once visited before.

He looks over to you two and smiles warmly at you both.
You and Connor return the smile.

Hank walks over go you two and pulls Connor in for a hug.
He holds Connor closely and you stood there and watched.
Hank smirked at you before grabbing your arm and pulling you into a group hug.

Content washed over your being as you held the people dear to you closely holding tight as if they will leave you.

"Good to have you assholes back" Hank chuckled as he held you both in the hug.

"Good to be back Hank" Connor responded with a smile on his face.


𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 ||DBH Connor x Reader||✔Where stories live. Discover now