Chapter 39: I Don't Know How To Act

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Song Quote: In The Name Of Love
"If I told you we could bathe in all the lights Would you rise up, come and meet me in the sky? Would you trust me when you're jumping from the heights? Would you fall in the name of love? When there's madness, when there's poison in your head When the sadness leaves you broken in your bed I will hold you in the depths of your despair
And it's all in the name of love"

You sat on the couch relaxing snuggled up with a blanket and Teddy in your lap while reading a book.

You snapped your head to the door to see Connor taking his shoes.
You sat up and looked at him confused "I thought you said you were gonna hang out with Hank for the day?" You asked.

"Yeah but when Hank jokingly told me to play music for him I started telling his Amazon Alexa you got him for Christmas to play despacito" He explained as he took off his puffy winter coat and hung it up.

"How did that go?" You asked leaning towards him when he plopped down on the couch next to you gently as to not wake the sleeping pup.

"Hank kicked me out after the sixth time" He shrugged but had a smug smile as he recalled the look on Hank's face.

"Figures, what did you expect to happen" You chuckled as you sat closer to him and leaned over to kiss his cheek lovingly.

You pulled away from his cheek and you both looked at eachother awkwardly.
He stared at your lips and you bit the inside of your cheek.

Did you do something wrong? Is he uncomfortable? You just were unsure so you scooted a bit away giving him some space.

You both looked away from eachother awkwardly in silence.
"Oh Connor" You perked up trying to change the topic and steer away from the awkwardness you got up and showed Connor a bag that sat lazily on the dining table.

You rummaged in it for a bit and pulled out a calendar. "You said you thought a calender would be nice for the office to keep track of days" you said as you handed him the calender.

"It has dogs on it" You showed him the back that showed all twelve months with different pictures of many puppies.
His eyes widened in glee as a smile crept onto his face he muttered in awe "I love it..."

He looked back up at you thankfully "Thank you (Y/n)" he smiled.

Connor got up when he saw Teddy wake up from his nap.
Connor smiled at the puppy and grabbed a toy "Wanna go play outside boy?" He said in baby talk at Teddy earning excited tail wags.

You watched Connor grab his shoes and coat and ran to the back door with Teddy at his heels.

They ran outside to go play in the snow and you stepped outside in your house slippers and thick blanket wrapped around your body.

You stood on the porch watching Connor run around playing with Teddy.
The little golden puppy went nuts in the snow running around with his floppy ears going wild.

Connor ran around alongside Teddy laughing when the puppy would run after his heels playfully.
Connor layed on the ground eye level teasing him with a toy ignoring all the snow that built up on his clothes.

Connor was running with Teddy but he tripped on his own wet shoes and fell face first into the snow.
"Connor you good?!" You called from the porch.
The android sat up sitting on his knees in the snow giving you a thumbs up.

You both burst into laughter as he got up from the ground dusting off his clothes.
He had snow all over his face and it went into his hair.

Connor walked over to the porch as Teddy came over to catch his breath.
"You fell." You laughed at the android as he nodded his cheeks went peachy from the cold.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 ||DBH Connor x Reader||✔Where stories live. Discover now