Chapter 24: Internal Conflict

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Song Quote: Borderline
"I'm borderline happy, and I'm borderline sad I'm borderline good and I'm borderline bad And I can't get rid of this tingling fear You'd sort me out if my head gets clear I live my life in shackles, but I'm borderline free I used to be blind and I still can't see
And I won't get around to a change of mind As long as nobody breaks my stride

Your body forced you to run towards Connor. He backs away, his face in distraught as he thought of what to do.

Your body moved on your own out of your control. It raised a fist and punched Connor. "Shit! Don't!" You yelled at yourself but gained no response.

Connor was reluctant to fight you as he would defend against your punches and always keep a distance from you.

"(Y/n) stop!" You heard Hank yell from behind you. You dont say anything but in your mind you wanted to scream "I can't!" But your face remained stoic.

You charged towards him again throwing a barrel of punches at his chest face and arms but he doesn't hit you back.

"Fight back please Connor! You have to stop me" You pleaded in your mind not wanting to hurt him and would rather get hurt than him.

You grabbed Connor and threw him harshly to the ground with a giant thud.

"Activate Omni mode!" Connor shouted from underneath you.
"Sorry Connor that won't work" The duplicate mocked the android behind you.

Connor rolled away from you and the duplicate continued "Once in Xeno mode it has been set back to factory mode, Back to just machine" he finishes.

"No..." Hank muttered in shock and Connor's eyes widened.
"I'm still here!" You yelled in your mind wanting to reach out for your friends.

Connor turns his head to find you had pulled out your pocket knife and started to slash at him.
Connor backed up from each stab evading you.

Meanwhile inside your mind as the battle continued you were desperately trying to regain control of your system.
You stood in a dark room in your mind and the fight between you and Connor is being projected on a wall. In front of you stood a giant pixelated wall with the words Stop Connor plastered around.

Fed up you sprinted off towards the wall and started to claw and pound your fists against it.
You pulled away pixel by pixel breaking the program apart.
"I need to save Connor!" You yelled tears forming in your eyes as you punched and tore away pixels desperately as outside your mind your android body managed to pin Connor down to the ground in between her legs right about to stab him in his fusion core.

You can't do it (Y/n) a message popped up on the wall only angering you more.

"Watch me bitch!" You yelled as you tore down some pixels.

Your held the knife above Connor with a stoic face and dull eyes staring down at him.

Connor looked into your (e/c) eyes and saw a tear run down your cheek.
You saw his eyes they looked defeated as he refuses to fight back and you know he could.

You yelled loudly as you ran towards the cyber wall and broke through the other side shattering it to pieces.

Like snapping yourself awake you regained control of your body. Blinking a couple times as tears rolled down your eyes as the knife hovered over Connor's chest.
"(Y/n)?" He muttered happily underneath you.

You nod smiling in triumph and got off of Connor and helped him up to his feet.
"Your back to normal (Y/n)?" Hank asked you as he walked over to you two.
You nod but your eyes narrow at the duplicate that was a couple of feet away from your trio.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 ||DBH Connor x Reader||✔Where stories live. Discover now