Chapter 28: Feelings Are Weird

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Song Quote: Oh No!
"I know exactly what I want and who I want to be I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy"

Your work day was boring due to Hank's absence. He would always talk shit about Gavin when the guy was being rude but sadly you were left alone today.

Speaking of Gavin you made sure to stay away from him as much as you possibly could. You mostly spent your breaks in the bathroom or in your secret hiding spot otherwise known as the archive room lined with documents, files and information.

You had gotten home later than you usually do due to staying overtime.

You walked from the bus stop and into your home. You looked around for any signs of anyone inside the house only to have Teddy running to greet you.

"Hey There Teddy Bear, did Connor and Hank go out?" You asked the pup gaining no response but guessing from the cleaned house and dishes put away you took that as a yes.

Deciding to enjoy the alone time you kicked back on the couch with Teddy in your lap to play some video games.


Later on Connor walked through the front door and greeted You and Teddy.
"How was hanging out with Hank?" You asked him as you paused your game.

"It was nice I got to see Sumo again, we hung out and watched a movie" He replied as he sat down on the couch taking off his shoes and putting them to the side.

"Ooo, What movie?" You perked up at movie. "We ended up watching 'To all the boys I've loved before'" He replied and you looked at him confused "Hank said there wasn't anything interesting on Netflix so he got angry and clicked a random movie" he explained to you.

"That sounds like him" You chuckled and added "I saw that movie before, it was good"

"I found the plot interesting but I couldn't understand what was happening between the main characters. They were in love but I wasn't sure how it led to that..." Connor voiced aloud in thought.

"You don't know about love?" You asked Connor tilting your head at the android curiously.
He shakes his head "I didn't need to before as a machine so I don't know what it feels like" He says in a indifferent tone.

"I've been learning more about emotions and love is one that is difficult to comprehend" he adds in making you go silent.

You take a moment to think before saying "It's kinda like being close to someone and harboring a deep affection towards them" You tried to explain unsure of yourself.

"Have you ever felt love (Y/n)?" Connor questioned in a curious tone.
"Of course I have" You say and add "I've felt a certain love for my family and friends before but never a romantic type for a special someone" you tell him and pick up Teddy holding him up to your face saying in a sweet tone "And I love this little guy" You gushed as you gave the golden puppy a kiss on the forehead before setting him back down in your lap.

"Ah I see..." Connor looked down in thought processing what you said.
"I understand if it's not easy to understand, that's how things can be" You tell him and he replies "I sorta understand what you mean, I'm gonna think about it" he gets up and walks away.

You leave him alone to think and continued playing video games.


Later on Connor calls you from his bedroom.
You walk in and see him on his computer with a page pulled up and he asks you "This icon popped up, do I click it?" You take a look at the screen and see a google captcha that says click here if your not a robot.

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