Chapter 10: The Blue Haired Traci

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Song Quote: You Don't Own Me
"I don't tell you what to say, I don't tell you what to do, So just let me be myself that's all I ask of you"

"I'll take it from here" Hank gestures for you and Connor to stay behind him as he pulls out his gun and walks into the room.

Your right behind Connor and Hank looking around the room for a Traci model with blue hair the silence of the room puts off a eerie vibe as if something is gonna pop out of nowhere and attack you.

"Shit...We're too late..." Hank groans as he points his gun around the room keeping his guard up.

You look around the room searching as Hank and Connor do the same.
"Christ, look at them..." Hank points our in disgust catching your attention.

"They get used till they break, then get tossed out..." Hank grumbles as he looks at the dismantled and broken androids and the sight makes you cringe "That's messed up..." you answer him as you look at the pile but you tear your eyes away from it to continue searching for the Traci.

"People are fucking insane...They don't want relationships anymore, everybody just gets an android. They cook what you want, they screw when you want, you don't have to worry about how they feel...Next thing you know, we're gonna be extinct because everybody would rather buy a piece of plastic than love another human being..." Hank rants out loud.

You agree to his statement "Amen Lieutenant, People are still fucked up and nothings changed over these past 20 years..." you complain out loud adding "Everyone prefers the comfort of technology than that of another person" you state and Hank nods in agreement.

You turn your head when you suddenly see Connor fighting another android your body immediately getting into a defensive position as Hank runs over pointing his gun yelling at the brown haired Traci "Don't move!" Hank was immediately attacked by the blue haired Traci and you get out of your position and run over to Hank trying to get her off of him.

But damn are these androids good at fighting and especially in heels!
You walk in regular shoes and still manage to fall down!

You would have ran over to Connor to help him but he seems to be doing fine on his own so you struggle to get the blue haired Traci off of Hank.
The blue haired Traci pushes you down and shoves Hank onto a operating table and roll onto the floor.

You quickly get to your feet running over to Hank helping him get up quickly and the two of you run outside Hank grabs them as they try to get away earning himself a kick into the wall he yells out "Quick they're getting away!"

You and Connor both sprint after as they try to escape by climbing the metal fence.
Connor grabs the blue Traci by her shoulder dragging her to the ground. You grabbed the brown haired Traci by the waist and threw her to the ground she got back to her feet paying no mind to you and went after Connor.

She picks up a pipe to hit connor but he rams her up against the wall knocking the wind out of her.

You try to grab the blue haired but she pushes you off running towards Connor as he grabs the brown one both of them are fighting him both are trying to shove him into the wall but he relented.

You ran over to the group grabbing the blue haired Traci pushing her away but she tries to throw some punches at you and you evade them.

Out of reflex you threw some punches at her pressure points which did stagger her but hurt your knuckles in the process.

You and Connor stood in between both Traci's they throw kicks and punches at you both back and forth you defended but felt the blue Traci's heel connect with your hip you had to suppress a yelp.

Connor sprints towards the blue Traci pinning her to the ground.
She struggled and as you recovered you saw the Brown haired Traci go up behind Connor with a trash can and you run towards her pushing at her waist to knock her off balance and pushed her to the ground.

She kicks you off of on top of her and you end up right behind Connor who rolled on the ground swiftly picking up a pistol he aims it at the brown haired Traci who was charging at you both.

To your surprise he hesitated but didn't shoot and put the gun down.

But his kindness repaid as the brown haired Traci kicked Connor in the face with the front part of her heel knocking him back.
The brown haired Traci glanced at you instead of attacking she walked towards the fence.

You and Connor rise to your feet the blue haired Traci approaches talking in a low voice " When that man broke the other Traci...I knew I was next...I was so scared...I begged him to stop, but he wouldn't..."

"and so I put my hands around his throat, and I squeezed...until he stopped moving...I didn't mean to kill him" she states perfectly clear.

"I just wanted to stay alive...get back to the one I love." The blue haired Traci looked at her loved one holding her hand tight in hers.

"I wanted her to hold me in her arms again...make me forget about the humans...their smell of sweat and their dirty words..." She hisses at the thought of what she's been through.

You felt regret for attacking them and relieved Connor didn't shoot.

"It's not like a human wants to deal with this and if a android can feel like we do Why put them through the same?" You thought to yourself as the Traci's turned to eachother whispering that they should leave then running together hand in hand jumping over the fence running away into the night.

You just realized it was raining as you look at the sky you glance over to Connor as he stares off in thought.

Hank begins as he turns to leave "It's probably better this way..." You nod in agreement "Definitely" you mutter looking back at the fence as you turn away following after Hank.

Looking back you don't see Connor following you call out to the android "Connor? You coming?"

Breaking him out of his thoughts he looks back at you saying "Oh uh, yes" as he catches up to you and walks with you as you both head back to your car.


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