Chapter 15:Emotional Nights Lead to Good Mornings

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Song Quote: Talk to me
"Anxiety tossing turning in your sleep Even if you run away you still see them in your dreams It's so dark tonight but you'll survive certainly. It's alright, come inside, and talk to me"

You ran after the bloody android catching up with him as he was nearing your car.

"Connor wait!" You call for him and he stops abruptly turning around to face you.

You look down and see his once clean button up white shirt is opened showing his chest as well as stained with his blue blood.

"What is it detective?" He asks you as the winter wind blows around him but he seems unaffected.

"Where are you going? Shouldn't we go patch your wounds?" You ask him as you start to go unlock your car.

"I was going to go get repairs at Cyberlife because I figured it would be too troublesome for you" He informs you as he started to walk away.

"Get in the car, your not troublesome to me" You tell the android and you reach in your bag for more blue blood that you picked up when you both went to the cyberlife store.

"Catch!" You tell him as you toss the bag of thirium to him which he catches with no problem.
Without another word he walks towards the car and gets in.

You start the car and drive back towards your apartment.


You walk through the front door of the apartment your familiar little Teddy bear running towards you and Connor excited wagging his little tail.

You greet Teddy warmly then go to your room to grab some spare clothes you have that look like they will fit the android.

"Take off your clothes" you tell the android as you hand him the pile of clothes.

He looks at you confused but you point to the bathroom "Give me your bloody clothes so I could wash them" You instruct him.

Without saying anything he turns on his heels and walks quietly into the bathroom to change.

You stand outside the door and after a couple moments it opens to reveal Connor wearing a dark blue plain shirt and a pair of grey shorts that go above his knees.

"Those will work for now" You tell him as you take the bloody clothes from him and throwing him one of your black oversized hoodies.

He catches the hoodie but looks at you in question. "Its getting even colder out and I read that Androids can damage their bio components if it's too cold for them" You tell him what you learned from reading a bunch of online sources.

"Thank you (Y/n), I appreciate it" He tells you gratefully as he pulls the hoodie over his head.
"I'll go wash these" you tell him as you leave the room and head to the community laundry room and quickly throw the bloody clothes in.
"Hopefully I don't ruin these..." you mutter as you start up the wash.

You walk back into the apartment to see Connor on the floor laying down on his chest right next to Teddy watching the puppy eat his dinner.

You stared at the two q bit longer at how sweet they are but you quickly turned on your phone going online to buy Connor some clothes.

"Connor do you want me to buy you some spare uniforms?" You ask the android as you plop down on the couch turning on the Tv.

"Yes please (Y/n)" He looks up from the puppy to you nodding his head.

You order the spare uniforms for Connor and proceed to shop on other online stores for casual clothes for the android.

You lay down on the couch looking at the ceiling "Todays been a long day hasn't it?" You say aloud groaning.

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