Chapter 38: Mind Garden

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Song Quote: Fly Me To The Moon
"Fly me to the moon, And let me play among the stars. Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars. In other words, hold my hand! In other words, darling, kiss me. Fill my heart with song, and let me sing forever more. You are all I long for, all I worship and adore. In other words, please be true! In other words, I love you!"

Your Pov:
You opened your eyes and a view of a snowy garden entered your view.

"What the...?" You muttered aloud turning to look at your surroundings.

There was snow everywhere and the large lake was frozen over.
"(Y/n)" you heard your name and turned around to see Connor standing a couple of feet away from you.

"Connor..." You blurted out and a smile formed on your face as you ran towards the android tears gathering in your eyes as you ran and jumped at him.

He caught you and held you bridal style and accidentally spun you both around in joy as you hugged him so close and placed a tender kiss on his cheek.
"I'm sorry..." You muttered as a tear slid down your face.
"Your okay now you remember me, that's what matters" He replied as he put you on the ground still clinging onto you.

You both looked at eachother in the eyes as he chuckled sourly "Just promise you won't put yourself in danger like that again" he said and you could see the pain he's gone through while you were away.

"Never again..." You replied as you stood on your tippy toes to kiss him on the nose as apology.

You both broke away from the hug and looked around "Wait, where are we?" You said aloud when realizing this wasn't real life.
He pulled away replying "My mind garden"

"Your mind garden? It's all snowy though, not much of a garden..." you replied.
"I haven't been in here since I betrayed Amanda and became Deviant" He stated looking around at the snow.

"Amanda?" You perked up at that name questionably.
"She was in my program controlling me, but I broke free" He said and you cracked your knuckles thinking to yourself remembering the memories you saw "Oh That bitch better watch out before she catches these hands"

"Looks like she's gone now, that's good" Connor noted looking around seeing no sign of this Amanda.

"That's good, you might have to fear for her safety..." you muttered and he looked at you confused. He perked up asking "Oh by the way how are you feeling? Are all your memories back?"

"Uh, yeah pretty much" You shrugged "No bad memories resurfacing?" He questioned "Uh yeah I remember some- wait a minute, you saw my memories haven't you?" You questioned him accusingly.

"More like returned your memories, I would like a thank you" He smirked at you causing you to roll your eyes. "Fine, thank you I don't care anyways since I saw yours" You smirked at him and his eyes widened as a rosy peach hue coated his cheeks. You felt a desire to squish his cheeks just to continue teasing him.

You walked up to his face making the peachy hue more visible and then proceeded to hold both of his cheeks in your hands and squish them.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a squished voice as you giggled.
In retaliation he grabbed your cheeks and squished them the android joined in your giggling.

You noticed parts of the garden around you started melting at the sound of Connor's laugh.
"Connor, look" You pointed and he saw the snow melt "Looks like this is your doing" he responded looking at you.

"I ain't done shit though" you replied
"You've melted my heart..." he muttered quietly going bashful as his LED lit up slightly pink.

"C'mon, let's go home" You smiled at Connor taking his hand and walked over the frozen lake.
You passed by a patch of graves with no names which was odd but Connor showed you the exit and everything faded back to white.

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