Chapter 42: Visitor

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Song Quote: W.D.Y.W.F.M?
"Four weeks ahead, I thought that I should think some more I'm fucked in the head, and my mind is turning into a whore Five months go by, and I thought about letting her go She's crazy, though, and I guess she took control Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no Maybe you're right, maybe this is all that I can be But what if it's you, and it wasn't me? What do you want from me?"

You were put off guard when you saw the figure at your front door staring back at you.

"Um excuse me, Who are you?" You called out to him putting your guard up and holding your house keys in your hand in case you need to stab someone.

He walks up a bit closer to you and Connor and upon closer inspection he looked exactly like Connor.

This android though has a white suit on and a neck brace sort of collar that covered his neck. There was also his model on his chest that read RK900.

"Good evening, I am Connor the android sent by cyberlife. I come here to collect my old counterpart" He introduced himself politely but his eyes were cold and lifeless, his tone of voice neutral and slightly deeper and more mature than Connors.

You glanced over at Connor and his eyes were wide with fear as he stood in place, body tense and ready to run.
You've never seen Connor frightened before,you were put off from the tension in the air.

You spoke stepping in front of Connor protectively "Collect? What does Cyberlife want with him?" You asked as your eyes narrowed examining and analyzing him.

"That is classified Miss (L/n), be lucky I don't take you with me since you are Cyberlife property and they might find a use for you" He spoke coldly staring you down.

"Is that a threat?" You growled between clenched teeth. You puffed out your chest up to make yourself seem bigger and intimidating but the height difference doesn't really help you.

"Just a warning miss, now I ask you surrender the RK800 model peacefully and we can both be on our way" He told you.

"And if I don't?" You questioned sending Connor a mind message to be ready for a fight.
"I'll have to take you both with force. These are my orders, I must obey" He replied neutrally.

You moved your leg and kicked him in between his legs and charged to grab him.

With a straight face he grabbed your shoulders and threw you to the ground harshly.
As you sat up on the ground you see Connor and the RK900 model fighting and throwing fists at each other each dodging the others attack.

"Give up Connor, I'm faster and stronger than you" He hissed in a low voice grabbing Connor's shoulder and punching him in the stomach.

You got up and ran to the car as they both fought flawlessly evading each others attacks. You saw your gun and taser in the glove compartment.

If you grabbed your gun from your car there would be a slight chance you might accidentally shoot Connor so bad idea to take the gun.

Instead you grabbed the taser and started charging it up.
You looked over and saw the RK900 pinning Connor to the ground and using his android hand what seems like he's sending information to Connor.

As your taser charged you left it alone as you charged over there and jumped onto the RK900's back throwing him off of Connor and you both rolled on the ground.

The wind knocked out of you and as you looked up the RK900 stuck out his android hand and touched your arm.
Immediately a flash of white light filled your vision and it seemed like you were losing control of your body.

You saw a flash of Amanda's face making you get angry.

You snapped yourself out of the trance and kicked him off of you.
Connor grabbed him and threw some punches to his face.

You ran back over to your taser which was now charged and aimed it at the androids.

Last second Connor threw the RK900 Connor towards your direction and you hit the button sending a electric shock to the android.

He fell to the ground with a thump his eyes wide open but completely empty.
You looked at Connor "We only have a short amount of time, let's take him inside and tie him up" You told the android and grabbed the Rk900's arm.

Connor helped you drag him into the house.
You and Connor found a chair and sat him upright on it.
You ran to the garage to find supplies and came back with a bike chain, duct tape and rope.

Connor looked at you funny as you came back holding all the items "What? This is what I could find" You replied and starting wrapping the chain around the android bounding him to the chair.

Connor then duct taped his entire torso as well as hands and feet while you wrapped the rope around him just to be safe.

You quickly went to your office and grabbed your gun stuffing it into your jacket just in case.

You went back to the living room to where Connor was watching the RK900 version of himself.

"He looks so much like you except for the grey eyes" You pointed out looking at the features.

"Well he is supposed to be the upgraded version of me but there are some differences..." He voiced analyzing the android.

"Like the height difference?" You asked pointing out the Rk900 was slightly taller than you Connor.

"Yes..." He muttered quietly and you gave him a side hug "Your still my favorite" You gushed at him as he returned the hug.

You pulled away when Teddy was nudging the android to wake up and took the dog to another room for safety reasons.

Just then the android slowly woke up by his arms and legs tense as he realized he was bound to the chair.

"I suggest you let me go" he ordered looking around at his surroundings.
"Why? So you could hit us and force Connor to go back go Cyberlife? No way in hell" You hissed in between your teeth.

"What are you gonna do? Kill me? Interrogate me? I won't budge and if I die I'll just come back again" He explained in a cold tone trying to intimidate both of you.

"Which is why we won't kill you" You smirked at him crossing your arms confident.

"We won't?" Connor asked whispering in your ear.
"Yes we won't" you whispered back to him.

"You know I could just alert Cyberlife and give them your location to take you away by force" He said staring at you trying to get you to break.

"Are you afraid to die?" You glared hard as you pulled out your personal gun and pointed it at his head.

"You won't shoot me Miss (L/n) I look too much like your Connor" He replied coldly and it hit you right in the heart since it was true.

Since he looked so similar to your Connor it would hurt to kill even a copy of him.
But if it means keeping yours safe you don't care.

"You didn't answer my question" you hissed bringing the gun right up to his forehead.

"I would find it troublesome to be disrupted of my mission" He responded staring blankly ahead.

"Then let us have a chat then?" You smirked putting your gun down as Connor stepped up eyes cold you leave him to do his job.

The interrogation has just begun


(Sorry short chapter!)

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