Chapter 31: New Case Of The Android Killer

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Song Quote: This Feeling
"They tell me think with my head, not that thing in my chest They got their hands at my neck this time But you're the one that I want, if that's really so wrong Then they don't know what this feeling is like."

You drove to work with Connor listening to the radio quietly something seemed different about Connor today.

You felt the smell of something musky tickle your nose.
When you pull up to a stop you sniffed the air. You smelled a musky sort of smell and traced it back to Connor as the source."Are you wearing cologne?" You questioned surprise that the android would choose such a fragrance.

"Uh yeah, Hank said it was good at impressing people" He replied quietly studying your reaction.

"Who are you trying to impress?" You questioned curiously glancing over at the android.
He sat quiet in his seat fidgeting a bit so you decided to drop the subject.

"Alright, whatever it does suits you I'm sure you'll impress a lot of people" you patted his shoulder reassuringly.
He was muttering something to himself but you didn't catch it.
You continued driving until the police station came into view.


You both walked inside to find Hank hasn't arrived yet. "Typical Hank" you shrugged but your thoughts are halted when you are called away to recieve some files.

You are given the files for the new case that were filled with pictures and documents. You head back to your desk to see Hank has arrived chatting with Connor.

"What's all that crap?" Hank groaned already knowing the answer. With a sigh you dropped stack onto the desk.

"New case. It's multiple murders that happened throughout Detroit which they suspect to all be connected. The victims have mostly been androids but human witnesses were snuffed out as well" You explained the summary of the case.

"I'm guessing they're only paying attention to this case because humans were killed?" Hank guessed and you nodded your head "Exactly" you replied pointing to him.

"It says here they've been killed usually late at night or early morning when it's dark" Connor pointed out as he looked over and downloaded the files.

"Also at the Crime scenes they have been unable to find fingerprints and the murder weapon seems to be a knife due to the stab wounds on every victim" You informed Hank as he looks at the files.

"How many?" He asked "Seven androids and three humans but they've been unable to find a motive. Only clues of a motive have been words at every crime scene written in the victims blood" you answered.

"Oh we got some sick freak we need to track down? Great." Hank sighed crossing his arms leaning back in his seat in thought.

"We should head down to the crime scene of the last victim" You said gesturing with your keys.

"Sure" Hank shrugged getting up from his seat gesturing to Connor to follow as you both head to your vehicles.

Connor decided to ride with Hank so you drove to the crime scene alone


You and the guys walked into a normal looking family home.
Inside the main room there are two bodies, one on the ground in the kitchen and the other sitting on the couch.

One was clearly a male android and the other was a human male.
As you stepped around the room your eyes looked at the wall above the fireplace that read in both blue and red blood "We shouldn't mix"

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