Chapter 33: Take A Breather, It's The New Year

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Song Quote: Magic Ways
"The way you whisper in my ear To make my troubles disappear It's magic The way your little fingertips Can make my heart do double flips It's magic And when you smile at me that way Well you can warm the coldest day It's magic And even when you're gone I find I hear you laughing in my mind It's magic"

You walked inside of your home to see a unfamiliar figure wearing a hoodie in your home wielding a red and blue stained knife the colors mixing together to form purple as it dripped to the ground.

The blood splashed into a large blue and red puddle your eyes look down to see Connors lifeless eyes and blue blood draining out of his chest as he layed lifeless on the ground.

Next to him Teddy layed down next to him underneath a small blanket but his little paw stuck out amongst a pile of red blood.

You stared at both bodies tears welling up in your eyes as you screamed out for their names as you gripped your chest.

The hooded figure turned around but instead of seeing a regular face you see a mouthless black face with two red eyes crying blood.

The figure points to you and in a swift motion it charges towards you pinning you down a sickly smile forming on its lips but before the knife hits your chest you burst awake from your nightmare.

You gasped for air as you sat up leaning on your arm disoriented.
Tears were streaming down your face and you felt a lump form in your throat. You looked over to see Teddy sleeping safely right next to you.

You sat up and petted the sleeping golden dog but you felt tears continue to slide down you face "I don't want anything to hurt you or Connor" You muttered shaken by that dream.

The sight of those two unmoving flashed through your mind sending shivers down your spine never wanting it to come true.

You want to keep them safe and but you are unsure how and that scares the hell out of you.
The android killer knows where you live and knows the people you hold dear plus he's a psychopath what's not to be afraid of?

You would love to get up and beat the hell out of the Android killer if you knew who he was for making you feel so damn helpless.

You sobbed into your hands shaken up but you came to a halt when you heard your door open slightly and Connor's voice.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Connor whispered in case you were sleeping.
"I'm alright Connor" You croaked wiping away any tears that ran down your face.

He stepped further into the room "No your not, what's wrong?" He asked in a soothing voice as he sat next to you.

"I had a nightmare that's all not a big deal" You looked up at him playing it off as nothing.
"It's a big deal if your upset about it" He pushed knowing what your trying to do by covering up your worries.

"It was about the android killer..." you started and he frowned understanding where your coming from.

"In the nightmare he killed you and Teddy and he tried to kill me but seeing how you both looked on the ground was- was" You started choking on your words the image flashing in your mind making you sigh heavily.

Connor pulled you into a hug rocking you slightly "It's not real, I'm here, your here, Teddy's here and we're safe and we will stay that way I promise" He cooed to you reassuringly.

"I will protect you (Y/n)" He added in pulling away holding your cheek with his hand and wiping a stray tear with his thumb.

"Don't protect me Connor just stay alive alright?" You told him as you leaned into his hand holding it to your cheek taking in the cool touch of his palm.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 ||DBH Connor x Reader||✔Where stories live. Discover now