Chapter 16: Meeting Kamski

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Song Quote: Ocean Eyes
"You really know how to make me cry when you give me those Ocean Eyes"

After Connor changed into his clean suit he walked out of the bathroom and you asked him "So where are we going today?" You ask the android.

"Hank says that we should go speak to Elijah Kamski, the creator of cyberlife's androids" He informs you as he tightens his tie.

You walk up to him adjusting his tie since it was a bit off catching him off guard for a moment and then you walked away like nothing happened.

"Sounds festive. I'm guessing We're meeting Hank there?" You ask the android as you slip on your boots and grab your keys.

"Of course, it would be faster if we all met up there" he replies walking to the front door looking back waiting for you.

"Makes sense" You shrug as you walk towards the door bending down petting Teddy before turning to leave with Connor following behind you.

Your in your car with Connor right beside you in the other seat.
You decide to turn on the radio as you drove.

"Last night at 2 in the morning five cyberlife stores were simultaneously attacked by androids-" The radio cut off when you changed the channel "Jeez they need to calm down the hell down" you grumbled annoyed.

All the radio and TV channels they have been nonstop talking about the android revolution ranting about how bad it is even though the androids have been very peaceful in their revolution.

You changed the radio to a channel that's playing music and a song started to play and you recognized the familiar beat.

"Aww yes! They're still playing this? I love this song" You smiled as you drove through the Detroit snow.

"What song is it?" Connor asked you curiously.
"Its Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish I remember this when it came out" You smiled as you started to sing along with it a sense of sentiment filled you.

"I've been watching you for some time,Can't stop staring at those oceans eyes. Burning cities and napalm skies fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes.Your ocean eyes..."

You happily sang each verse unaware of the pair of eyes watching you with curiosity.

"No fair...You really know how to make me cry when you give me those ocean eyes. I'm scared...I've never fallen from quite this high, falling into your ocean eyes. Those ocean eyes..."

Your voice drifted off a bit thinking of the lyrics about how it's about a girl who fell in love and she gets sucked into the eyes of her love interest.

"I've been walking through a world gone blind,Can't stop thinking of your diamond mind. Careful creature made friends with time. He left her lonely with a diamond mind and those ocean eyes"

"No fair...You really know how to make me cry When you give me those ocean eyes. I'm scared...I've never fallen from quite this high falling into your ocean eyes.
Those ocean eyes..."

You finished off the last of the song gazing at the falling snow outside your car.

You turn to your right meeting Connor's bright brown eyes with yours. You were almost entranced in them a bit longer than expected until his voice interrupted you.

"Detective are you okay?" He asked as he quickly reached over to the steering wheel to steady the car you realised you forgot you were driving and were starting to swerve on the road.

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